VN Past Paper Questions for 302 &304

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1. Which organelle is the site of protein synthesis?

2. Which horse clip would involve clipping all the hair except the saddle, legs and a V at the top of the tail?

3. Which muscle abducts the forelimb from the body?

4. When would it be best to inseminate a bitch with a frozen sample from a dog?

5. Which of the following dog breeds is in the Utility class?

6. Which breed of cat could be described as having agouti spots?

7. When does a gerbil reach sexual maturity?

8. Where would you find the acromion process?

9. Which of the following is a sudiferous gland?

10. Which of the following I the correct order of skin from innermost layer?

11. Which of the following hairs has a good blood supply?

12. Where would you find the secondary feathers on a bird?

13. The vena cava passes through which opening in the diaphragm?

14. What is the minimum temperature a cat can be housed at?

15. Which hormone is released when a cat is mated?

16. How long after parturition should a foal be standing?

17. A foal with an exposed umbilical cord is at risk of which disease?

18. What would you find on a horse passport for a horse that is not for human consumption?

19. How many atrias does a snake heart have?

20. Which of the following reptiles has no bladder?

21. Which species of animal uses it's head and forelimbs to aid respiration?

22. What is the name of the gland at the base of a birds tail?

23. Which cranial nerve is responsible for movement in the larynx?

24. During which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?

25. What is the name for the space between the lungs and the ribs?

26. Where would you find simple cuboidal epithelium?

27. Aldesterone acts on which part of the kidney nephron?

28. Which of the following id produced in the adrenal medulla?

29. Calculate the energy requirement of a 6kg cat.

30. Which of the following is an example of a simple coiled gland?

31. Which of the following bones is formed by intramembranous ossification?

32. Oxytocin causes which of the following?

33. Which of the following joints is an example of amphiarthrosis?

34. Which of the following carry nerve impulses away from the cell body?

35. PUPD, polyphagia and bilateral alopecia are symptoms of which condition?

36. What is the anatomical direction to dictate that something is 'on the same side'?

37. Which bone of the skull forms the dorsal surface of the buccal cavity?

38. The fibrous threads that attach the mitral valve to the papillary muscle of the ventricular wall are known as?

39. Which is the most prevelant lymphocyte?

40. Which of the following cells is involved in humoral immune response?

41. Blood travels from the intestines to the liver via which vessel?

42. Which of the following does the pancreatic duct produce?

43. What is the dental formulae of the deciduous dentition of a cat?

44. The fold of peritoneum supporting the uterus within the peritoneal cavity is the?

45. Where would you find the ceruminous glands?

46. The suffix –centesis refers to which of the following procedures?

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