Chapter 7

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How to read my book- When its someone point of veiw and they are talking to someone, they wont have quotation marks around them. The people that are in there point of veiw will have qoutation marks.

Billy p.o.v
I sat at the kitchen table to eat dinner when my little sister walked in.
What you want little girl?
I asked her as soon as she walked in. "I want a pj sandwich". I always have to make her something to eat.

Ok thats all you will need to know. Plzz enjoy this chapter that is down below or on the other page.

Dezaria p.o.v
I sat on the chair that was by him. He looked at me with a little smile.
Hi, i said when he looked at me. "I just wanted to talk to you about something". "About what happened earlier at school?", he said looking at me curiously.
"Wait, what happened at school", he said thinking hard.

About you and that girl in the hallway, i looked away when i said it. He probably dont know what im talking about.

You remember when you was talkin to a girl in the hallway during 3rd hour?, i said.
"Ohhhhh you talking about my science lab partner" he said finally remembering what happened.
Yea her, do you talk to her like as in a relationship? When i said that he looked at me with a ew face. It was kind of funny.

"No i dont like her, i was only talkin to her cuz we have science homework". I was reliefed when he said that. I thought he was going around asking all the girls out.
So you dont like her?
"No, i like you Dezaria" he said looking at me deeply. I pulled out the note and opened it.

So thats why you made this note? I asked him while reading the note again.
"Yea, i really like you Dezaria" he said. He made me blush a lil, i hope its not that noticable. He looked me in the eyes and i stared back. He leaned in and kissed me and of course i kissed him back.
I broke the kiss.

Did you really mean what you said in the letter? I asked him that to make sure i wasnt being played.
"Yes i mean every single word" he looked at me when he said that.
Then yes i would love to be your official girl.

He smiled and i smiled back. We got up from the table holding hands. Then Jasmine comes out of no where.
"OMG yall are so cute" she said excitedly. "Imma have to some beautiful neices and nephews" lookin at both of us as she said it.
Wait wait wait, im not gettin preganent.

What i just said is the truth. Im not gettin preganent at the age 15 she got me messed up.
"Bae she mean later in the years, but thats only if we still together" he said making sure i understand what they was talking about.
Ohhhhhh ok, i feel slow.
Jasmine looked at me and said "you are slow". She laughed quietly to her self and walked away. Then she turned around and said "everybody is about to come over except for Kyree and Justice.

***With Kyree and Justice***

Justice p.o.v
Me and Kyree decided to go out to eat. Something easy. We are at Red Lobster. We already ordered our food and now we are just talking intill our food come.

So was that your ex that you was talkin to in the hallway? He asked waiting for answer.
So how long have you been going to Loyola? I asked gettin on a different topic.
"Since last Monday, what about you?" He laughed a little bit when he said it.
I been at Loyola since the beginning of the year but my brothers been at Loyola since last year, i said about to sip some of my Cola.
"Its a good school so far, i got kicked out of my old one" he said lickin his lips afterwards.

Oh LORD, plzzzzzz dont let him dont that again. He so fine.
How you get kicked out of (gco)
I got cut off by the waiters bringing our food. Im so hungry that i can eat his food and MY food. Nawwww i dont think thats possible for me. We enjoyed our food and wheb we were do the waiters gave us the bill.
How much do it cost, i said digging through my purse.
"Noooooo i got it, im paying"
Well can i at lease leave a tip, i said looking generous.
We walked outside and decided to just
walk around LA streets. We held hands, talked, and laughed.
"You wanna go out with me" he asked with confident face.
As in girlfriend?
Sure, ill be your girlfriend, i turned around and looked at him when i said it. He pulled me into a hug, i wrapped my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. Im glad im with him.

I know this is a short chapter. I still have to get use to writing like this. (So dont judge) When i get better at writing like this i will start writing more. Plzzzzzzz comment, vote, and read my books.

Meant To Be Squad!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora