Chapter 17- Pt2 Sure

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*Next Day*

*At School*

Tre p.o.v
I walked in the school and is now walking to my locker. Normally i would check on Nia but im not with her anymore.
Yea, i been checkin out alot of girls. Never really notice them because i wasnt single.
So, im lookin for another girl to be mine. Could it be one of yall thats reading this😏?
I was unlocking my locker when i saw this girl walking down the hallway. She had on sunglasses and was showing all of her body.
She had a fatty too. She walked to my locker and stop. She took her sunglasses off and it was, Nia.
Me: Nia?
Nia: what
Me: what are you wearing
Nia: i dont know, i decided to try something new

 Me: Nia?Nia: whatMe: what are you wearingNia: i dont know, i decided to try something new

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

^^^Nia Outfit^^^
I took my jacket off and threw it at her.
Nia: what is this for?
Me: put it on
Nia: no, i dont want it
She threw back at me. Then i saw three dudes walkin down the hallway staring at her as*.
Me: GET AWAY (stomps at them)
They ran down the hallway, scared.
Nia: why are you worried about me?
Me: because i dont want you wearing that looking like a slut
Nia: well you cant tell me not to do that anymore
Me: Nia im just trying to help you, so if you dont want to get melested or raped then put this jacket on (giving it to her) and if you throw it away, i have plenty of jackets at home
Nia: (held the jacket)
I locked my locker and left her there.

Mercedes p.o.v
Kyree and i bought matching outfits.

We are on point today

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We are on point today. I guess we are the actual brother and sister goals.
As soon as we walked in the building Jasmine came running toward us with papers.
Jasmine: come to the school dance this Saturday (handed us a flyer)
Kyree: we have to go?
Jasmine: but i want yall to come
Me: ill go
Kyree: (sighs) ill go to
Jasmine: ok, good
Me: what can we wear
Jasmine: read the flyer, sorry i have to go (runs down the hall)
Kyree: why is she in a rush?
Me: i dont know, but we have to hurry to class
Kyree: ok

Jaden p.o.v
I ran to the main hallway of the school. I also ran into some people but quickly apologized😉.

When i arrived to the gym i looked at the paper they taped on the wall hoping my name was on it.

I looked at the paper trying to find my name. I spotted it under Edward Delano because my name comes next.

I made the basketball team. I ran around the gym with pride. Im finally on another bball team. Even though i really miss my last team. I stopped running when i heard a girl laugh.

I looked at who it was and it was Dezaria. I walked over to her. She ran to me and gave me a hug. I slowly hugged back.
Dezaria: i miss you Jaden
Me: (sighed) i miss you too Dezaria
Dezaria: im sorry, for doing that to you
I could tell she was crying a little.
I wiped her tears off her face.
Me: its ok Dezaria
Dezaria: no its not, its all my fault
Me: true, but its ok
Dezaria: and i know you're mad at me
Me: im not mad
Dezaria: you're not?
Me: no, im not, well i was but not now
Dezaria: well im glad
Me: good, you wanna get back together?
A smile spread across her face and nodded her head. I lift her chin, making her face close to mine, and kissed her.
Its crazy but i love this girl.

Jalen p.o.v
After i got one of those flyers Jasmine handed to me i went to go find Mercedes. She was getting a book from her locker when i walked up to her.
Me: hey, have you heard about the school dance this upcoming Friday?
Mercedes: yea, Jasmine gave me a flyer
Me: me too, well you wanna go to the dance with me
Mercedes: duhh (smiling a little)
Me: i was just askin
Mercedes: and i was just saying
Me: getting sassy?
Mercedes: yass (snapped her finger)i need to go to class, before i be late
Me: ight, let me walk you to class today
Mercedes: but then you gonna be late
Me: thats fine

Justice p.o.v
All through class i write poems. Poem after poem, and there is more to come. I been writing about black history, freedom.
Those poems are very famous. My teacher told me about them yesterday in poetry class.
I think i want to share this with the class next week.

This poem is called

What is Black History?

It is the dirt road our forefathers trod,
Memories of their lives branded in our hearts.
It is a word, a place, a state of mind.
Black history is a peek into our ancestors' time.

It is a piece of fabric our grandmothers wore,
An old rope that our grandfathers lived to deplore.
It is a slave ship and middle passage over seas.
Black history is cotton fields and tobacco leaves.

It is a plantation overseer and back door crumbs,
Weeping and wailing, a beating of drums.
It is a troubling truth, an unapologetic past.
Black history is an entire race struggling to last.

I really like this one. The bell rung and i grabbed all of my stuff . I just about to walk out of class until the teacher called my name. I turned around slowly.
Me: yes
Teacher: i see you have been writing a poem, let me see
I grabbed it out of my bag and handed it to the teacher. I watched him read it.
Teacher: (nodding his head) this poem is good, you take classes
Me: yes, i-i just started yesterday actually
Teacher: oh, well thats good, see you tomorrow
I grabbed my paper and walked out of class. That was akward.

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Meant To Be Squad!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora