Chapter Six: It's a Deal

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It didn't take long for Natasha to be ready to leave.

The team was gathered in the conference room, awaiting her goodbye. Steve was the last person she said goodbye too.

When she leaned in to hug him, she spoke. "Trust her" she murmured, before placing a peck on his cheek. Steve didn't say anything back. He knew what she meant. Whether he could take her up on her advice, he wasn't sure.

At least, not yet.

With a wave, Natasha was gone. Everyone in the room seemed especially solemn. The mood of the room was different.

"Well" Tony said, breaking the silence once more, "I'd say this calls for a party" In Steve's peripheral vision, he saw Wanda roll her eyes. Steve stepped forward.

"How does this remotely call for a party?" Steve asked, his blue eyes fixed on Tony.

Tony narrowed his eyes at Steve. "Oh Capsicle, always ruining the fun. Don't you ever want to let loose?" Tony said, and there was something in his voice, something that made Steve feel sorry for him.

Natasha leaving had an affect Tony. Not to mention that with Bruce missing, no one on the team really liked putting up with him. Steve's expression changed.

"You know what? Fine, throw a party Tony. I don't want to ruin your fun" Steve said, keeping his face blank. He saw Wanda glance at him, and Adora's eyebrows were raised, with a smirk on her face.

Tony looks momentarily surprised, but quickly recovers. A grin quickly spreads on his face.

"I would like to propose a deal" Tony said. Adora was now full-on smiling, and she most likely knew what Tony was going to say. He looked to her, hoping she would tell him Tony's thoughts. She shook her head. Steve rolled his eyes at her.

"What kind of deal?" he asked, wary of what Tony would say.

"You have to come to the party, and play a drinking game" Tony says, and Adora stifles a laugh. Steve looks at Tony, confused.

"Tony, you know I can't get drunk. And what about the other part of the deal?" Steve asked. This only made Tony grin wider.

"If you get drunk, you have to wear an outfit of my choice. If you don't, then I'll stop with all the nicknames" Tony said simply. Steve weighed his options. He knew, to the height of his knowledge, that he couldn't get drunk. But whether or not that would apply to whatever Tony had in mind, was anyone's guess. Second, if he did get drunk, what would Tony get him to do. Although he did like the idea of no more teasing at his expense.

Steve stuck out his hand.

"It's a deal"

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