Chapter Twenty: New Arrival

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Hey guys! Thank you for the reads. Tell me what you think about the twist at the end! - Gab

Adora's POV

I found Tony in his lab. He was tinkering with who knows what, but not for long. He barely acknowledged my presence as I entered the room.

"I need a favor from you" I said firmly, hoping my tone would wake him from whatever trance he was in. When he didn't move, I pushed his shoulder lightly.

"Stop ignoring me" I growled, quickly going impatient. Tony looked up, a smirk on his tan face.

"Didn't take long" he murmured under his breath, but I don't react.

"Is there any way you can alter Steve's face for the mission? So that he's unrecognizable to anyone who may know him" I ask.

"Well, I can punch him in the face a couple times if that's what you mean" Tony said, grinning. My facial features don't move a smidgen, making him frown.

"Fine" he says, huffing as he walked past me and towards another table in his lab.

He pulled out a thin, slippery looking cloth. "This will alter his features so that he can either be a different person, or similar based on his features now. Just put it on his face, and it'll stick. I just have to program the face." I nod, internally impressed. He handed me the material, and it almost slipped out of my hands. He chuckles.

"Careful" he said, obviously amused. I roll my eyes, grasping the material harder.

As I walked towards the door, Tony spoke. "The mask won't come off unless he gets shot in the face or someone rips it off, so make sure to be careful. The mask will reset itself when you take it off, so he can sleep with it on if he wants" he added, wiping his hands with a grease-filled rag.

"Thanks, Tony" I said, giving him a small smile as I left. He shook his head after me, but if I wasn't mistaken, he was smiling too.

By shoes made no sound on the tile of the hallway as I headed towards the landing pad of Stark Tower. Fury has given us a small air craft to travel to our mission, which we would fill with things we need for completing it.

"I bet she comes from another dimension, like Thor" I heard a voice say, and I stopped walking. The voice was Wanda's, and he was in the helicarrier with Steve and Wanda. I stood still, listening to them as they talked about me. A tinge of amusement slipped through my mind, and I found myself smiling.

"I bet you she got her powers from a genie. She has three main powers, and a genie grants three wishes" Sam said, sound particularly serious. I stifled a laugh at his silliness. I waited, wondering what theory Steve would come up with. But, he only laughed along with them as Sam's words. I decide to make my entrance. I walk up to them, mask in hand.

They quiet as soon as they see me, and I hold back a smile.

"You guys seem awfully quiet" I say, watching their faces. Wanda is stoic, and Steve and Sam look guilty.

"We weren't talking about you" Steve sputters out, and I laugh.

"Got a guilty conscience?" I tease, and he looks down. Sam gives him a look, clearing his throat.

"Oh, Steve. It's nice to know you're not good at keeping secrets" I tell him, and he blushes.

"Anyway, I came here to ask if we have everything ready?" I ask, peering at all three of them. Steve nods, making me smile.

"Perfect" I respond. I turn to leave, but then stop. "Oh, and before I leave. I asked Tony if he could get you something to alter your appearance, since we are going undercover. It's a mask, and just press it on your face. Tony already programmed it. Just don't put it on until we get there, okay?" I tell him, handing the slippery cloth to him. He looks unsure as he grabs the thin material.

"Thanks" he says, running his fingers over the mask. I check the time, and I'm surprised to find that it was six in the evening.

"We should probably eat something, and get some rest Steve" He looks up, but his eyes don't land on me.

"She's right Capsicle. But first, I've got a surprise" Tony's arrogant voice comes from behind me, filling the slightly awkward air. (Or should I saw hawkward, foreshadowing dun dun dun).

Tony steps to the side, revealing a man wearing a brown jacket, and lightly toned shades.

"Did someone call 1-800-Hawkeye-Help?" the man said, a large grin on his face.

"Clint!" Steve and Wanda exclaimed in unison. I raise my eyebrows.I knew that he had left, but I was please to know he was back. Steve steps forward, leaning in for a hug. Wanda is smiling like a fool, reaching to give him a hug too.

When the greetings ceased, Clint turned to me. He smiled at me, his expression soft.

"It's nice to see you, Adora" he said, and I smiled in return. Time seemed to stop as each person in the room reacted to his words. The feeling of shock was almost electric, hanging silently in the air.

"You..?" Steve trailed off, turning from me to Clint. I bit my lip, unsure of how much I could lie myself out of this. My eyes turned to Clint, which were met with a look of expectance.

Do you think she would want me to lie? I send into his mind, and he doesn't even flinch at my sudden presence. Everyone in the room is quiet, watching me as I made my silent exchange with Clint.

No. Now is the time to tell the truth. She'll forgive you. I know she will. He replied, the voice in his mind encouraging and reassuring.

I step forward, my hands placed out in front of me. My eyes move to meet Steve's and there's a hint of hurt in his eyes, making me pause.

"There's another reason why I was the replacement for Natasha and not some other person, or why there was even a replacement. Natasha needed a favor of me, which I'll always be fulfilling" I pause again, looking away from Steve as I said my last words.

"I'm her sister"

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