Chapter Eleven: New Friends and Guilt

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Adora's POV

"What the hell was that?" Sam asked, but his voice wasn't angry, there was only confusion. His eyes are on me, expecting an answer that I didn't want to give.

"He's seeing things. Hallucinating" I tell him, my face blank. He studies me, and I know he doesn't trust me. "Should we go after him?" he asked. I shake my head.

"Let him blow off some steam. He needs it" Sam nods. "So, you guys got any food" he asks casually. I laugh. "We do. Follow me" I say, gesturing for him to follow me down the hallway. I lead him to Stark's kitchen, where Tony is messing around with the blender.

"What's up, hot stuff?" Tony says absentmindedly, and I roll my eyes. He still hadn't managed to come up with a nickname for me, which I wanted to keep it that way.

"This is Sam" I tell him, as Sam takes out a gallon of orange juice from the fridge.

"Tony" he says, putting out his greasy hand for Sam to take. He shakes it without hesitating.

"Steve's friend?" Tony asked. "Yup" Sam says, grabbing a glass from the cupboard next to them.

"Have you been in his head yet?" Tony half-whispers to me, a smirk on his face as I shoot daggers at him. Sam looked at me, apparently confused.

"What do you mean 'been in my head'" he asked, his eyes traveling from me to Tony, and back. I let out an annoyed sigh.

"I can get into people's minds and hear thoughts and how they feel" I tell him. Sam nods his head slowly, his eyebrows raised.

"Right" he says, "I should've know Steve would fall for someone weird" I blush, biting my lip.

"We're not —" Tony cuts me off. "They are" I glare at him. "We're really not" I tell Sam, but he doesn't look convinced.

"Speaking of Capsicle, where is he?" Tony asks, chopping of some kind of fruit loudly. I purse my lips.

"He's in the training room" I reply sharply, making Tony raise his eyebrows. "Isn't it a bit early?" he asks, watching me. I scowl at him, and he holds his hands up in defense.

"Fine, I don't want to be in a lover's spat" he says, a grin on his face.

"That's it" I growl, grabbing the knife he had been using, and aiming at him.

"Hey, hey, hey, easy there" Sam said, restraining me. I move out of his grip, slamming the knife down on the cutting board, narrowly missing his hand. His eyes widen. I smile innocently back. I turn around, my hair swing ing in my wake.

"Be careful around her, man. I won't hold her back next time" I hear Sam say to Tony, and I smile. I had to have some fun.

Because the fun would be ending now. I had to find Steve, and talk to him. I didn't know what he saw, but it must have been something bad, seeing as he had never attacked me before. I wasn't sure how I would talk to him, without him getting angry. As I got closer to the training room, I could hear the hard punches one after the other.

Pow. Pow. Pow

The sounds never seemed to stop, I stopped at the door, barely making a sound, not that he could hear me over the sound of his punching. All of sudden, the noise stopped, and I froze. I peeked past the door frame. Steve was staring out into space, his face the picture of nostalgia. My features relaxed, and I watched him. I wondered what he was seeing, and whether it was a good or bad thing. I heard footsteps behind me, and quickly ducked into another room.

Wanda walked down the hallway, and stopped, looking around. She went into the training room, and I looked inside. Steve was sitting against the wall, his whole body shaking. Wanda was sitting next to him, speaking quietly. A pang of jealousy creeped through me as I watched. My eyes landed on Steve again.

He was a mess.

He looked so sad, his whole demeanor broken. I couldn't see his eyes, but I could almost imagine how they would look, their usual bright blueness a light grey.

Wanda got up, disrupting my thoughts of pity. To Steve, I had caused him to feel such pain.

You could say I was guilty.

I was more than guilty, I was racked with shame, and pity for the pain I had caused Steve to feel.

Because I could feel his every feeling. 

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