Chapter Twelve: Apologies

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Steve could sense Adora's presence, hiding somewhere behind the walls.

"I guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought I was" she said, her voice soft and careful. He turned behind him, and anger surged through him at the sight of her.

"Look Steve -" she started, but he spoke.

"I don't want to hear it. Don't speak to me" he said harshly, making her flinch.

"Steve" Adora pleaded, stepping towards him. "I don't know what you saw, but I didn't do it" she said, her eyes imploring. Steve's blue eyes glared at her, his face hard, edges popping out.

"I said I don't want to hear it" he growled at her, a warning in his eyes. She glared back at him just as heavily.

"Fine. I'll get to you another way" she said, reaching into his mind forcefully and without mercy.

Steve clutched at his head, stumbling over. Adora pushed deeper in his mind, stepping forward as she did, cornering Steve.

"Stop it, Adora" he spat at her, the anger unconfined in his voice. She didn't relent. Slowly, Steve stood up straight, and rushed at Adora. He slammed her against the wall, with her hands above her head. Surprisingly his hands were gentle, whether or not the anger and sadness he felt was controlling him.

Adora bit her lip, trying hard to concentrate on Steve. His grip seemed to loosen on her, as her eyes met his. She moved her hips, and his eye's widened at the sparks that went up his spine.

"What are you-" he started, but she cut him off.

"Surrender, Captain" she whispered, her breath hot on his neck. He let her go with a huff, composing himself.

"You have two minutes to explain" he said, and his voice sounded tired. A small smile lit Adora's face.

"Last night you didn't have a single dream. I know you've been seeing things, and those are a side effect of not having dreams. Your dreams are how your mind lets go of the trauma of war and being in the ice" she told him, speaking carefully, as if not to stumble over her words.

"I thought you were supposed to control my dreams, not stop them all together!" Steve says hotly, his eyes glaring at her. Adora looks away.

"I did" she answers quietly. "How then?" he asks, quickly losing his patience.

"You had dreams, I just had to stop them. I couldn't control them, Steve" she told him, speaking quickly, "And that's never happened before. So I just took them away"

Steve looked at Adora strangely. She waited for an answer from him, a reassurance that he had forgiven her.

There was only hardness in his eyes. "Steve, I'm sorry" she said, her voice pained.

"I know" was all he said, his voice emotionless. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get something to eat" Steve walked off, leaving Adora alone. Her eyes glared after him, angry that he hadn't forgiven her yet.

After Steve left, Adora walked down the hallway. She hid behind the door frame seperating the kitchen and hallway. Steve was talking with Sam, and Tony was nowhere to be seen.

"Who ya hiding from?" A masculine voice said from behind. She turned around, to reveal Tony standing behind her with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not hiding from anyone" she answered, clearly annoyed.

"Then why are you standing behind the door, and not in the kitchen with your boyfriend?" He asked, and Adora glared at him.

"For the last time, he and I are not dating!" She said go him, glaring at him. Tony only grinned, as Adora tutned around, hearing footsteps coming their way.

She shifted her form, just in time for Steve to find them.

"What the?!" He said, at the sight before him. In front of him, were two people, who looked exactly the same.

Steve's living nightmare.

Two Tonys.

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