Chapter Twenty-Three: Board Games

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Hey guys! So this is just a filler chapter, but the action will be all packed into the next chapter, so don't worry! - Gab

While Adora flew the plane, Steve tried to find something to do. He looked through the file again, this time pulling out their fake identities. His eyes skimmed over his identity.

Steve almost didn't recognize himself as he studied the picture. His new name would be Chris Evans. The picture accompanying the name showed his face, but different. He had a beard and his blond hair was a more golden brown. His blue eyes were brown instead.

On the small card, it said that he was a businessman that wanted to help fund Hydra. Steve didn't really know how to portray a business man, and he didn't really know anything about running a business. He could only hope no one would really talk to him.

He turned to Adora's identity. Since she could shape-shift, she could be anyone she wanted. Her name could be Victoria Caverly. His eyes landing on one word.


Her role was to play his wife. He almost barked out a laugh as he kept reading. It said her hobbies were reading romance novels, drinking tea, and having parties. Where did they get this stuff from? This woman was nothing like Adora, and Steve wondered if Adora had read her card.

"Hey Adora"" he said, getting up from his seat to sit next to her in the co-pilots seat.

"Yeah?" she replied absentmindedly, pushing buttons, and flicking switches. Steve couldn't help but grin as he read out her card.

"It says your name is Victoria" he told her, and he couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice. "You're my wife, and you're hobbies are reading romance novels, drinking tea, and having parties" She raised her eyebrows when he said "wife" and they traveled even higher when he said "reading romance novels and drinking tea".

"Damn" she replied, amused as well. "I think Tony made those just to mess with us" Steve laughed.

"How long until we get there?" he asked. She rolled her eyes at him. "You sound like a little kid. Only six more hours" Steve let out a sigh.

"And you're going to fly this thing for six hours?"


"There's no auto-pilot or something?"

"There is"

Steve let out another exasperated sigh.

"Well, why don't you use it?"

Adora was smiling at him.

"Is there something you want, Cap?" she teased, and Steve looked away, blushing.


She raised her eyebrows, surprised by his reply.

"That's too bad" she replied, a smirk on her face.

"Adora" he said, fake whining, which made her laugh.

"Steve" she whined back, enjoying his playfulness.

Adora flicked a switch above her head, and took off her head piece.

"You win" she said, and agilely flipped her body out of the seat. Steve grinned at her, getting out of the seat himself.

"You do know there's TV and stuff on this thing right?" Adora said sarcastically. Steve looked down, smiling.

"Of course there is" he replied.

"If you want, we can play a board game or something?" she asked lightly. Steve brightened.

"Sure" he said, and Adora got up, walking towards the side panel of the carrier.

"I kinda asked Tony to put some board games in here" she admitted sheepishly, making Steve laugh. She cared. He thought to himself. She pulled out The Game of Life.

Steve snickered, and Adora glared at him playfully.

"What? I used to love this game" she told him. grinning like a child. The mood of the room was light and childish. Adora set up the game, teaching Steve how to play, and read the instructions to him.

They would chat and play the board game for hours, eventually falling asleep as night fell. 

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