Chapter Forty-Three: The Triskelion

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Hey guys! Have any of you seen civil war yet? I have, and it was great. If you haven’t seen it yet, you definitely should! I hope you like this chapter, and don’t forget to vote! - Gab

Steve was a bit intimidated. Sure, he’d been inside the Triskelion before, but it didn’t bring back good memories. And he was especially unhappy to get in the elevator.

They had fixed it, but Steve could still make out where he had jumped out of the glass. Natasha had gotten them into the building in a flash, smoothly and effortlessly charming the guards and anyone who questioned them.Sam and him just stood there like statues while she talked up security, and as strangers greeted them.

The ding of the elevator sliced through the fog of thoughts in his mind, and he stepped out of the elevator. Natasha held her hand out, stopping them.

“This is the last floor of the building, Sam, you look through this floor, Steve, you the next one, and we’ll move down. Adora can speak to all of us at once, so if you need her, just pretend you’re on the phone. Got it?” Both men nodded, and this time, Steve headed to the stairs.

He had no clue what he was going to do, or how they were going to find Tiana. “Adora” he said uncertainly, the piece in his ear feeling uncomfortable.

“Whatcha need?” she asked, her voice clear in his ear. He let out a low sigh of relief. “I need you to bring up a map of the floor I’m on” he told her, and he heard a couple sounds of clicking, and a small gasp escaped his lips as it appeared in front of his eyes.

“I told you you would like it” she said smartly. “How do I move it?” he asked, lightly touching the lens of his glasses. The map swirled under the pads of his fingertips.

“Never mind” he muttered, appalled at the technology he was using. A quiet laugh sounded over the comm. Steve started to walk in the direction he knew would lead him to the control room, following the blinking red dot that was him on the map. He started to take in his surroundings, looking for exits, signs, anything that could help later.

His shoes made a lot of noise on the white tiles, making him noticeable. A blonde woman walked past him, her heels clacking, and her clothes professional. Ahead of him, a group of agents were walking towards him. He kept his face emotionless, and they walked right past him.

“There’s been a security breach in the west wing. Agent Rushman alerted us of it” one of them told the other agents. Steve paused, but didn’t want to stop walking.

“Natasha” he whispered, pulling out a phone, and pressing it to his ear. “What?” her voice sounded irritated, and the sound of other voices were loud in his ear. “What’s your alias? Because a couple of guards just walked past talking about Agent Rushman” he told her, turning his head to make sure no one was listening. He could practically hear the frown in her voice, “No, that’s not me. Go find out more about it” she ordered.

“Got it”

He snapped the phone shut, and slipped it back into his pocket. “Adora, where did those guards just come from?” he asked. “I plotted the point on your map” she responded. “There’s about three more guards from where they came from. Might have to take them out. They’re guarding something, but I’m not sure what” she told him. Steve pulled up the map on his glasses, twisting and turning down hallways to get to the dot on the screen.

Three guards where indeed standing by the door, with a sign that said, “Level Ten Authorization”. Steve took a deep breath, before stepping up to face the guards.

“How you doing?” he said, putting a smile on his face, and before the guards could react, he punched one of them in the face. The second guard lunged at him, throwing a punch towards his jaw. He spun back, grabbing the man’s arm, and twisting it behind him, and then using his body as a shield to knock the third guard down.

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