Chapter Thirty-Three: Racing into the Past

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Adora is sitting in the pilots seat, and Steve can hear the soft sound of music from her headphones. She was completed entranced, her breathing slow, and her eyes closed.

While Steve sat there stewing.

He was angry with Adora. For more than one reason. Time and time again, she kept vital information from him, even after they talked about keeping their relationship open.

And Steve hated when people were dishonest.

But this didn't seem to mess with the fact that he was head over heels for her. Adora hadn't seemed to notice. Steve thought maybe she would sense that when he kissed her, his heart jumped in his chest, and when she called him "Captain" his stomach did somersaults. She was constantly on his mind. He loved the smell of her hair, and it relaxed him.

Basically, she drove him crazy.

But Steve hadn't really admitted to himself how he felt, his mind was always skirting around the fact. Just the thought of actually admitting it, made heat rush to his cheeks.

And he was trying so hard to be mad at her.

Suddenly, the carrier stopped, and Steve looked up to find Adora landing the plane. His eyes traveled to the scenery outside. They had landed in a rustic looking place, with beautiful fir trees looming over the carrier. How Adora had managed to find an open space in such a large forest, was beyond him.

The carrier lurched to a stop, landing loudly on the ground below them. "We're here" Adora called out, and Steve walked over to the window in front of her. He loved the imagery he was staring at, the serenity of it, and the trees swished gently in the wind.

"Steve? Let's go" Adora said, interrupting his thoughts. He nodded briskly, stepping away from the window. Adora opened her mouth, as if she was going to say something, but let out a sigh instead.

Adora opened the door to the carrier, the door making a swoosh as it revealed the nature outside. Adora stepped forward, giving Steve and expectant look. He followed her, taking in his surroundings. A narrow, dirt path split up the trees, forming a canopy over the path. The smell of pine filled his nostrils, the warm colors of the leaves take up his vision.

Steve let out a content sigh, moving to follow Adora, the leaves crunching under the soles of his boots. For some reason, the nature around him made him feel peaceful, and his mind satisfied. Adora's feet made no sound as they hit the ground, as if she was weightless. Steve wondered why she made no noise, while he, on the other hand, made a lot.

"Where are we?" Steve asked her, craning his head to see her as they turned sharply. When he turned the corner, Adora was no where to be seen. His brows knitted in confusion. He was in no mood for Adora's games.

It didn't help with the fact that Adora was stealthy, and made no noise. Steve held his breath, trying to think like she would. First of all, he would be in the trees. He looked up, trying to catch the black leather popping out in the bright, warm leaves. He heard the rustle of leaves above him, and his eyes caught a flash of dark hair dart between the trees.

Exasperation swirled around in his mind, knowing Adora could sense it. He heard a low chuckle from his left, where Adora was perched between the branches of two intertwined trees.

"I used to sit here everyday when I was little" she said absentmindedly, smiling sadly. Steve's expression softened. But he was also confused. Was she finally sharing a bit of her past with him?

"Me and Natasha would climb these trees every summer, and hang out at the creek nearby. That was when we were happy" Adora said quietly, her conflicted eyes gazing at Steve from above him.

"Adora" he started, stepping forward, but she smiled at waved at him. "It's all gone now Steve, and I know that" She sadly, a bit of disregard in her voice. She jumped off from her branch, and started to jog in front of Steve.

"Catch up, Captain!" She called, grinning as she spun around to face him. Steve rolled his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips. He ran to catch up with her.

"Alright, mustard" he called back, and it was Adora's turn to roll her eyes at him, laughing. Her hair was bouncing along her shoulder, strands glistening in the little sunlight left in the sky.

Steve pushed his long legs to keep up with Adora, frustrated. "How are you faster? I can run at an inhumane speed, that no other human can match" Steve asked, and Adora shrugged.

"I always thought it was because you were slow" Adora responded, a smirk catching on her lips. Steve raised his eyebrows, chuckling. "So that how you wanna play it?" He asked playfully, keeping up pace with her. Adora grinned at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"It is" she answered back, a challenge in her voice. Suddenly she stopped, and crouched to the ground.

"Let's do it. Right now. I'll race you all the way down the path. You'll know when to stop, because they'll be a green sign waiting for you. Whoever touches it first, wins" Adora said, wiggling her eyebrows at him. Steve grinned at her, crouching down next to her in the leaves.

"On your mark. Ready, set, go!" She yelled, and Steve raced off, leaving Adora in the dust. He laughed to himself, pumping his legs through the trees. He heard an animal-like growl come from behind him, and a large cheetah zoomed past him, and Steve's mouth fell open. He didn't know she could shape shift into animals.

"That's cheating!" He shouted after her, and he could almost hear the animal laughing as he watched it morph back into Adora. She shrugged, smiling widely at him.

"I never said that was cheating" she called, passing him again, and he ran after her. A green sign appeared past the shrubbery of the forest. He ran faster, his speed matching Adora's. She turned her head to meet his eyes, throwing him a chaste wink. Steve rolled his eyes, making her laugh. Suddenly, she brushed past him, and Steve ran faster to beat her. Her hand slammed into the sign, with Steve not far behind.

But he didn't stop.

He was running so fast that he could barely stop himself from running into Adora and tumbling to the ground. She landed on top of him, her body pushing into his firm chest. There were leaves twirling down around him, landing in Adora's hair. They stood out against her dark hair, brightening her blue eyes.

Adora burst out laughing, and he joined in. The forest was quiet except for their laughter. After a couple of minutes, they stopped, and Adora's blue-green eyes met Steve's blue ones.

Without a word, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips, making his heart warm. She pulled away, her eyes showing her affection. She got off of him, helping him up with a heave. Steve turned to the sign.

It read N.Rushman, Lake Placid.

"Where are we?" Steve asked, looking at Adora.

She grinned at him.

"Welcome to Lake Placid, New York"

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