Chapter Seven: Taking Shots and Surprises

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If you have an ideas for questions to be asked to Adora, Steve or Tony, comment! - Gab

The sound of music vibrated the whole room from the floor above Steve. How Tony had managed to gather a party's worth of people in such little time, he wasn't sure. All he knew was that Tony had given him clothes to wear to the party.

Steve didn't really like parties much, but more of the getting to watch people. How they acted, how they dressed. He liked to observe.

He heard a shout as more guests arrived. Buttoning up his shirt, Steve headed towards the stairwell. The flashing lights escaped through the cracks at the door above, and caught Steve's eyes.

When he opened the door, the music was not as loud, and the lights not as flashy as they had been. Steve heard the clinking of glasses, laughter, and he spotted Tony coming his way.

"Capiscle, you showed!" Tony said, slapping him on the back. Steve gave him a look of annoyance. Tony was probably already drunk.

"Hello Tony" Steve responded, keeping his tone neutral.

Steve looked around, fully taking in his surroundings. His eyes wandered across the groups of people, unconsciously looking for a certain someone. Finally, his eyes found what they were looking for, and he was not disappointed.

Adora was in a black dress, and her back was turned, revealing her slender backside. The dress wasn't fancy, or low cut.

And she still looked absolutely stunning.

Steve couldn't take his eyes off of her, even as she walked closer, with a smirk on her face. When her eyes met his, he looked down, and he couldn't stop the heat from rising to his cheeks.

"Having a good time?" Adora asked, her voice smooth.

"Somewhat" he responded. Adora was studying him, like she always seemed to be. Before either of them could say anything else, Tony showed up next to Adora.

"Hey Cap! It's time. Let's play" Tony says, gesturing towards the bar behind him. Adora laughs, and Steve gave her a look.

Tony leads them to the bar, and orders a round of shots.

"So" Tony says, grabbing a glass, "It works like this. I'll go first, and ask a question, and if you don't answer it, you take a shot, and vice versa"

Steve watched Tony carefully as he arranged the glasses, with small slices of lime, and salt.

There was one problem.

Steve didn't know how to take a shot. As soon as he voiced this thought in his head, Adora's eyes turned to him. She moved towards him, since Tony had struck up a conversation with the bartender.

"It's easy" she murmured, grabbing a glass and pouring in the strong liquid. Steve could barely hear Adora over the music, and the sound of other people's joy. He felt, drowsy almost, like he wasn't really at the party, The sound of the music was dull in his ears, and the lights around him seemed less bright.

"Steve?" Adora's voice cut through his fogginess, and all his sense turned back to normal. He looked up, and her face showed the soft edges of concern in her tone.

"Watch what I'm doing" she said sternly, trying to hold his attention. She took the shot glass in her hand.

"Now" she said, speaking loudly this time, "Before I take the shot, I'm going to put some salt on the back of my tongue. When I'm done, I'll take the shot. It's going to burn, and that's what the lemon is for. Got it?" Steve nodded, not quite sure if he really did..

Adora quickly took a shot, and he marveled at how she didn't even flinch, and swiftly bit the lime.

"Now you try" she said, her eyes playful. He gulped. It couldn't be that bad could it?

Steve grabbed a glass, and poured himself a shot. He took a little bit of salt, and placed it on his tongue. Steve brought the glass to his lips, and hesitantly gulped down the liquid. He let out a cough as it traveled down his thought, burning him. He quickly bit a lime, and the burning subsided. When he looked up, Adora was grinning at him.

"What?" he asked.Her grin only got wider.

"You are definitely losing" Steve rolled his eyes at her.

"We'll see about that" he responded, just in time for Tony to return to their conversation.

"You ready, Cap?" Steve nodded, ready to get this over with. "You wanna play, Adora?" Steve looked at Adora, hoping she would say no. Her eyes turned to Steve, and she winked at him.

"I'd love to"

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