ZevranxFem!Cousland|Man Buns(Edited)

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Warnings:man buns and sexual remarks that suck ass

"C'mon, Zevvy! It'll make your scalp feel good!" Hannah whined as she slouched her back and looked at him with big, pleading eyes. A low chuckle vibrated through his chest as he pulled her close and breathed in her ear, causing her to shiver.

"But you could make me feel so good somewhere else," he whispered before licking the shell of her ear. She gently shoved him away with a small smirk on her face.

"Well, it's either your hair or you won't get touched by me at all," she said smugly and crossed her arms over her chest with the growing smirk evermore present. He let out a sigh of defeat and slouched down in front of the makeshift seat as Hannah squeak in excitement and plopped down behind him. Her slim fingers worked out the braids in his hair and gently detangled his golden locks.

"If you make my gorgeous, hair fall out, I swear Hannah," he groaned with his accent as thick as ever as she massaged his scalp and began to twist it gently. 

"Don't worry, Zevvy. I'll be extra gentle." She purred as she blew in his ear. He let out another low chuckle as she pulled a leather band off her wrist and twisted it around his hair. She let out a sigh as she took it down again and again- obviously not getting the hair to cooperate with the way she wanted.

"What are you trying to accomplish, my Grey Warden?" Zevvy asked her curiously as he gazed over his shoulder at her. She had the tip of her tongue licking her lips, and her eyebrows pulled together as she concentrated on his hair.

"A bun."

"A bun?"

"Yes. I think you would look sexy with one," she smirked as she pulled one last attempt to the bun- and succeeding. She jumped off the log and pumped her hands into the cold air- a large smile gracing her face.

"Are you victorious?" Zevran smirked as he stood up as well. Hannah nodded enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck.

"Would you like to celebrate?" She whispered softly in his ear and he chuckled. She nibbled on his earlobe and he let out a soft moan.

"Anything for my Grey Warden."


Hannah was curled into Zevran's warm, tanned chest, sleeping soundly only the cold night. The thick blanket over them shielded them from the cold outside air and the small lantern illuminated the tent with a soft glow. Hannah's bare chest rose and fell with her every breath, and her legs were tangled in with Zevran's.

As she slept, he gazed at her with loving eyes that he had never looked at anyone else with- it was only for her. Hannah was his, and his only. She had told him that he was her first, and would be her only, which he didn't mind. She was so innocent- she still was- but she wasn't the same girl she was when he attacked her. She had grown into a respectful woman to be feared, and he had stolen her heart, as she did to him.

Hannah Cousland. His Grey Warden.


Hello! Hoped you liked it! Sorry if it sucks, I'm kinda new to all of this writing stuff, so... yeah. I had a character who romanced Zevvy(that is my nickname for him- don't judge), and her name was Vex(Vex means annoying). She was a city elf-hence the name- and she was a softy, since I thought she would look cute with Zevvy. At first I was going to have her romance Alistair, but I ended up romancing Zevvy. Her and Alistair didn't have the best relationship, so... she made him king and had him do the ritual. At first I was going to have her do the Ultimate Sacrifice, but a the last second I was all "Nawh, let's just force Alistair to bang Morrigan and get her preggers and kill an old god thingy-yay! Cupcakes to celebrate!" At any rate, I put in the last part to prove he wasn't  just fucking her 'cos he could- he truly cares about her. His Grey Warden.


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