BlackwallxWarden!Elf!OC|Sorry Part 1(Unedited)

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Request from Short_attentionspan
Warning: language and some violence.

Kariel couldn't sleep. The argument that she had with Blackwall rung in her head like a heavy lead bell. It wouldn't leave her alone, and it was beginning to give her a migraine.

The argument was trivial, honestly. It could have easily been avoided, and it was all Blackwall's fault.

He had asked her to organize some of the Wardens documents and artifacts that had been recovered while he went with the Inquisitor on a mission. He had said that Margot, the dear Inquisitor, who also happened to be very close with Kariel, had ask for them to be recorded and to have them documented.

Kariel, wanting to help out her friend, agreed, but only because Margot asked. Not because Blackwall did. Also, she wanted to see what had been found, for the history of the Grey Wardens interested her.

The thing is, is that she didn't know how Margot or Blackwall wanted them organized. Kariel knew that Margot wouldn't mind, but Blackwall was a different story. He would find even the slightest thing wrong with it.

Kariel dusted her hands off on the thigh of her pants, and let out a tired sigh. She had just put away some documents, and was finally finished.

She walked silently back to her quarters, her eyes heavy with exhaustion and arms limp by her sides. Kariel had been sorting through the artifacts since around noon, and the moon was already high up in the sky.

As she shut the wooden door to her quarters, she tugged her hair down from its sloppy braid, and ran her fingers through the thick strands. She slipped out of her clothing and changed into a loose fitting tunic before climbing under the comforter, which felt cool against her tired body.

As her eyes began to close, the heavy wooden door to her room was slammed open. She jumped and frantically looked at the door, and her shock melted into angry.

Blackwall was storming towards her, hands made into right fists.

"You call that organized?! I can't even find a biography on the Hero of Ferelden!"

Through her sleepy daze, Kariel wiped her eyes then glared at the bearded man. She kicked off her blankets, and stormed up to him, her finger jabbed in the middle of his chest.

"Excuse me, Mr. I-Am-The-Best-At-Organizing! If you don't like it, you should have done it yourself!" Her face was as red as her hair, anger boiling her blood. Not only had he interrupted her sleep, he was also accusing her of doing a poor job on something so trivial.

Blackwall grabbed her wrist in a vice grip, eyes furious. His breathing was ragged, nostrils flaring with each powerful exhale. It would have been a horrifying sight to anyone else, but it wasn't anything new to Kariel. She had seen him like this many times, and nine times out of ten, it's because of her.

"You will not talk to me in like that!" His voice was loud against the stone walls.

She ripped her wrist out of his grasp, and shoved him back. Her eyes were wide, angry, nostrils flared.

"You will not put your hands on me. Get the fuck out before you lose an eye."

Blackwall froze, and watched Kariel cradle her injured wrist like an infant. Her wrist was red, and beginning to bruise.

"Kariel, I-"

"Don't," she snapped, "just get out. I won't tell you again."

The Warden began to back away, towards the door. Kariel turned her back, wrist throbbing and her eyes welling with moisture.

Blackwall looked at her, sighed. "Kariel?"

She stayed quiet, but slightly cocked her head to the side.

"I'm sorry."

With that, he walked out, both parties left to their thoughts.


henlo! sorry for taking so long to fill this request. i don't have an excuse so, i hope you forgive me. i'm just fuckin lazy.

i'm making this into multiple parts since i have a ton of ideas for this request. i hope you can understand.

love y'all


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