BlackwallxFem!Trevelyan|Thom Rainier

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Warning: nothing really besides that I'm mad at Blackwall(and always have been since I realized, which was when I asked him about the Grey Wardens, that he wasn't a real Grey Warden. He didn't know how to kill an Archdemon), and that this is after the trial, but no actual Blackwall, only mentions of him

Farrah was disappointed at Blackwall, but she was angry with herself. She fell for his lies, and she believed him, like if it was the truth. It wasn't though.

Sure, he may have done it for the people(Of the people, for the people! ~Hancock), yet he gave up the lives of his men. The people he killed? Did they even deserve to die?

The trial had ended about fifteen minutes ago, yet there Farrah sat, on her throne, elbows planted on her knees, head in her palms, and her fingers laced through her auburn hair. A frustrated, tired sigh escaped her lips as she pulled her fingers from her hair to her temples, massaging them as the dull throbbing increased.

Thoughts ran through her head faster than a dragon could devour you: all of which were of what the so-called "Warden Blackwall" had done before the real Sir Blackwall died. How has he changed? What was he like before?

Farrah pushed herself off of the large seat with sore, slightly shaky arms. I guess that's what you get for being the Inquisitor, she thought bitterly as she took slow, uneven steps to her quarters.

"I'm going to look fifty when I'm thirty," she laughed bitterly to herself. She was only the ripe age of twenty-four, and here she is: dealing with the arthritis of an eighty-year-old, even though it is only sore muscles.

With each step up, her face twisted in pain. She wished she had Blackwall there to massage them for her, but she couldn't face him right now. The wounds he made are too deep, and will take time to heal. Maybe tomorrow she'll go see him, but until then, she would have to deal with this herself.

After the final step, she walked as fast as she could, though it wasn't that fast, and plopped down on her bed. Farrah quickly unlaced her boots and curled under the warms covers.

She could worry about Blackwall-or Thom Rainier- tomorrow. Right now, she needed a nice, long nap.


Hello! So, school started again today(why August 3rd?!), and I have gym for 2nd period. My gym teacher is a perv, and in his class, porn "accidentally" came on. Coincidence? I think not. He is attractive, though.

So, it was about time I updated, don't you think? Yes, I know, I suck but get over it.

If you are still in school, when is/was your first day? If you have graduated, what class were you?

Love you boo!


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