Cully WullyxMage!Trevelyan|Not Like The Others

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Warnings-stuttering and blushing cuz Cully Wully is adorable

Cullen felt his ears and neck heat up just by the thought of her- she plagued his thoughts, yet in a good way. She was all be could think about- her light hair, her dark eyes, her porcelain skin- he craved it. He loved her- his wife. Wife. Wwwwwwiiiiiifffffffeeeeeee. Draw it out like that and the word seems to mean a whole new thing.

"Cully?" Violet asked him softly, her voice sleepy. He looked up from his desk to see her standing in the doorway to his study in their new home where they have no worries in the world. She had a blanket wrapped around her slim body and her hair, that was a few shades lighter than Cully's, was tangled around her face. Even in her sleepy glory, she looked like a goddess in his eyes.

"Yes, my love?" He asked her sweetly as she approached him with small, uneven steps. She gave him a small smile before sitting down on his lap and curling into his firm, warm chest.

"You never came to bed," she mumbled as she breathed in his masculine scent. Cully shivered slightly before wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on top of hers. Violet let out a happy sigh as he rose from his chair and carried her bridal style to their bedroom. The door was slightly ajar, so he pushed it the rest of the way open and laid her down gently on her side of the bed, and walked over to his side and climbed under the covers. She snuggled to his chest again and her wrapping his arms around her thin waist.

"Are you tired?" He asked quietly as she placed her hands on his chest, and gazed into his golden brown eyes. She gave him a small nod and a small peck on the lips. His face flushed a bright red. "I-I'm s-s-sorry I d-didn't c-come to bed earlier," he stuttered softly. Violet chuckles into his lips as she placed another kiss on his lips.

"I have a question. And please answer honestly," she whispered as she looked at him through her thick lashes. Cully(I can't call him Cullen anymore. I just... can't) cupped her left cheek softly and rested his forehead against hers.

"Anything, my love," Cully mumbled. His eyes filled with concern as a single tear slipped from her eye. "What is wrong, my love?"

"How come you don't see those things in me? You've seen the worst a Mage can offer, yet you didn't push me away. Why?" She whispered as her insecurities started to seep into her mind. Does he even love me?

"Because you are not them. You're not like the others. You are Violet, my wife, who is caring, kind, selfless, and only uses her abilities when she needs them. You are the light in my life, and I will always care for you, even if it kills me," he whispered into her ear. She snuggled even more into his chest before breathing in his scent.

"I love you, Cully. Don't ever leave me," she murmured as she slipped into a deep sleep.

"Don't worry, my love. I will stay with, and I will never leave you." He placed a soft kiss on the top of her head before slipping into his own dark rest.


Hello! I know, this one sucks but I tried. It could be a lot better, so pardon any mistakes. Just so you know, I don't revise my StoryIdeas because I fear that I may change the meaning of the story and it doesn't go with what I planned it to be. As you can tell, I don't really call Cullen "Cullen" anymore. I call him Cully. It's better. Disagree? Go away.

Anyway, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, vote, if you want more, follow, and if you have any questions or you want a certain oneshot, comment please! I'm starting two stories: The Dark Ambassador and Fallout Oneshots. Make sure to check those out when I get the prologue of The Dark Amazing up and the first oneshot of Fallout Oneshots. Have a wonderful day!


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