Chapter 3[ Edited]

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Stacey Newman had sat outside for a while now, with her feet dipped in the pool and drink in hand as she scrolled through her phone. One number stuck out to her, the same number that she had called too many times, more than she usually did. She couldn't believe that no answer had come yet and that was honestly starting to bother her.

The moment she was about to try calling the number again, her mother, Eve, came over, silently joining her. Eve was quick to notice the the expression on her daughter's face. With no doubt, she could tell that Stacey was worried about something.

'' You look worried, '' Eve pointed out, not wasting time with the questions.

'' I'm good, '' Stacey answered without tearing her eyes away from the phone.

'' The look on your face says otherwise.''

Stacey let out a sigh, before glancing at her mother. " I've been trying to get a hold of Rachel for a while now, but she hasn't called me back yet.''

" Did you two have a fight or she ------"

"No, the last time we talked, we were okay, nothing seemed out of the ordinary." This was the half truth, and Stacey saw it best that she keep this information from her mother.

'Well, at least I think so.' This thought lingered in her mind as she tried to thoroughly remember Rachel's mood the last time she was saw her.

" Oh, well it must be something else, you know like her battery ran flat or she's been busy. It could be anything really." Eve said, rising to her feet.

" Hmm." That's all she could get from Stacey, whose worried expression had not left her face.

" I'm sure she'll get back to you soon. " Eve said, gently patting her daughter's shoulder before walking away.

''I hope so.'' Stacey mumbled, putting her phone aside and looking ahead.

Maybe her mother was right and Rachel had a bad service, she thought.

Even so, it still bugged her a bit that Rachel hadn't called.

Despite the girls not being on the best terms lately, but that didn't mean that their friendship was over. To Stacey, they were still true friends and such fights weren't anything new. Before Rachel left for Africa to do some short film, since she was a rising star in the model industry, tension had been present between the two teens.

Stacey felt a bit silly when she thought of the little arguments that happened between them, she loved her friend and it always made sense for Rachel to be part of their cheerleading team. It was always fun to be around Rachel and she did miss her friend.

Now more than ever, because she hadn't heard from Rachel, she surely missed her friend. She didn't want much, but to know that Rachel was okay.


Kate waited for Nick to arrive and fetch his gym clothes, which he had forgotten when he stayed over. He had been way too drunk to go home and it relieved her, that all this happened while her aunt and uncle were away.

As if planned, every member of her family that day had something to do, giving an opportunity for Kate to look after Nick. Julie had visited her boyfriend while Alexis had been tied up with work. Despite years having passed, but her family still worried when Kate would be left alone in the house but Kate made sure to ease their concerns each time. She believed that being left alone in this present time, was something to adapt to and make use as a form of preparation for when the time came, where she finally left home.

Her cousin Alexis, was a flight Attendant and was usually the one person who was hardly at home. Kate was pretty close with her cousins and considered them her sisters. The one she was closest to though, was Julie, who she spent most of her time with. Alexis on the other hand, was more busy and away.

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