A Different Turn

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Rachel's POV

     As I was getting my books from my locker, I looked to see Kurt walking down the halls, grinning from ear to ear. At first, I was wondering why. Then I saw whose hand he was holding. It was that new kid, Blaine.
     'Well, looks like they hit it off,' I thought to myself. Then, I saw Blaine kiss his cheek and headed to his class. 'Maybe more than I thought,' I thought again.
     Kurt had a little skip to his step as he walked. I haven't seen him this happy since...well, ever. Nothing could compare to this smile he had.
     "You two are getting friendly. I'm guessing you made it official?" I asked.
     "Yes, we did," he said, bouncing uncontrollably. "I invited him to my house to try to get him to join Glee and we...took a different turn," he said with a smirk.
     At first, I wasn't sure what he meant, but as soon as I realized what he said, I gasped.
     "You two had sex, didn't you?" I asked, still in shock.
     "What? No. Well, okay, maybe. Sort of. Um," he rambled but then finished with an ecstatic "Yes."
     I laughed at how excited he was.
     "Well, I'm glad you're happy Kurt," I said, giving a hug.
     "Thanks," he said while smiling at me. And with that, he walked off.
     I shook my head, wondering if he'd be like this forever. Then that made me wonder. Are Finn and I ready to have sex? I know we've only been dating for about a month now but I really love him. He's my superman and I don't now what I'd do without him.
     Then again, maybe we should wait. A good relationship to me is not all about the sex, it's about the romance and the compassion. I want to really express those feelings with him much more before we commit.
     I pulled out of my thoughts when someone slammed my locker shut. I looked to see it was Quinn. She wasn't wearing her Cheerios uniform like usual. Instead, he was wearing a blue shirt with white polka dots and some light colored jeans.
     "Can I help you Quinn?" I asked her.
     "I need your help," she said, looking like she was about to burst into tears.
     "With what," I asked, still confused.
     That's when she said it.
     "With Mercedes,"

What's up with Mercedes? Why is Quinn not in her Cheerios uniform? More importantly, are Finn and Rachel ready to fully commit? Find out in the next part.

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