The Auditorium

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Rachel's POV

     We pulled into the school parking lot. I was confused why we were here. Finn's truck was the only thing in the parking lot and the school was completely dark.
     "Why are we at school?" I asked, while he took off his seatbelt. He smirked at me and unbuckled my seatbelt.
     "I asked Mr. Schue if we could just hang out at the school. He said ok as long as there's no alcohol," he said. I smiled at him. This was so sweet and romantic. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back, breathing in sync with me.
     "Come on, let's go in," he said. He got out of the truck and came to my side. When he opened the door, he held out his hand like I was a queen in a carriage. I took his hand and jumped down out of the truck.
     We walked into the school with the key that Mr. Schuester gave to Finn. Once we were in, we went everywhere. We made out on the cafeteria tables, we wrote on the boards in a bunch of classrooms, and we acted like kids again and played hide and seek in the halls.
     We went to the auditorium and when Finn saw the music player on the piano, he turned it right on.
     "What are you doing?" I asked him.
     "Well, homecoming is next week and we need to work on our moves," he said, laughing.
     He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a slow dance. I laughed as he spun me around. We danced for the whole song. When the song ended, I said "You're a good dancer."
     "You're pretty good yourself," he said, tickling me. I fell to the ground laughing. He chuckled and joined me on the ground.
     "You know, this is the most fun I've ever had on a date," I said, taking Finn's hand.
     His expression looked like he didn't believe it. "Really?" he asked.
     I nodded.
     "No boy has ever taken me out to dinner, sang karaoke with me, and danced with me. At least, without wanting something from me in return," I said.
     "Wow," he said, still in disbelief. "Sounds like you've had some crappy boyfriends."
     I looked down at floor. He's right. My love life hasn't been the best. Especially my most recent boyfriend before Finn.
     "Hey, are you ok? Did I say something wrong?" he asked, grabbing my shoulder.
     I shook my head. "No, you didn't do anything."
     "Then what's wrong?" he asked.
     I sighed. "It's just that, before you, my boyfriend, Jesse, used to yell at me and he tried to turn me into something I'm not. He'd make me put on very revealing lingerie every time I came over. Sometimes, I wouldn't even invite him over. He's just come over and force it on me. Every time I refused, he'd yell at me that I was useless and he'd smack me and he...he."
     I was crying a bit by this point. Finn pulled me in for a hug.
     "You don't have to finish, Rach," he said, running his hands slowly through my hair.
     "I'm so sorry that happened to you."
     "It's okay, Finn," I said, wiping my tears.
     "No, it's not," he said, pulling out of the hug. "No one deserves that. Especially not you. I would never do that to you."
     "I know you wouldn't," I said, taking his hand again. He looked into my eyes. Then at my lips.
     "I love you so much, Rach," he said as his face got closer.
     "I love you," I said before his lips attacked mine. He wrapped one arm around my back and his other hand was combing through my hair. I had my hands on the back off his head, keeping him close.
     We laid down on the stage together, not taking our lips apart. This was the moment. I needed something, a sign, to know if the time was right for us. If we were ready to commit to each other. Well, let me rephrase. If I was ready to commit to him. And I was.
     I started unbuttoning his shirt and he started pulling down my leggings. By the time he was done, I'd gotten his shirt off. I rubbed my fingers across his warm, bare back.
     He pulled away from our kiss that we had continued while undressing.
     "Are you sure you're ready for this?" he asked. "I'd never want to have you do something that your not ready for."
     I ran my hand through his dark hair.
     "I've never been this sure about anything in my whole life. I'm ready Finn," I said.
(you can skip this if you feel uncomfortable reading this part)
     He threw off my dress and was working on his belt buckle. Once his belt was off, I slid his pants down while he took off my bra.
     He continued kissing me. He started with my lips, then my neck, then my breasts, then my stomach. He pulled down my underwear and I pulled down his.
     That's when it happened. I wrapped my legs around his back for support. We started going faster and all I could think was,
     'This is the greatest day of my life.'

Thank you for making it to the end of this. I know it was long. This should be the only sex scene in the entire fanfic so if you felt uncomfortable with that part, don't worry, this is it.
Please leave ideas for this story in the comments if you want to make this story better in some way. Love you all.😘

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