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Finn's POV

     "Thanks again Quinn," I said to a blonde cheerleader twirling her hair. She nodded and walked away. I was happy with the agreement we'd made.
     I looked over and saw Rachel coming towards me. I smiled at her and she let out a little smirk. She seemed a bit uneasy but I took her hand.
     "What did she want?" she asked as we strolled down the halls. I gulped at the question. I knew I could only tell her half of the answer.
     "Oh, she wanted to know if she could join glee club. I told I'd help her pick out a song," I said. She looked confused.
     "But Finn, you're not even in glee," she said.
     "Oh yeah. Surprise!" I said excitedly.
     She smiled a bit bit and said, "Wait, you joined glee?"
     I nodded. "I wanted to show you how important you are to me and that I will do anything for you. So, I talked to Mr. Schuester and he said I'm on the team."
     Her smile only grew from there. She hugged me while she said, "I love you so much."
     "I love you too," I said.
     She pulled away.
     "So, is there anything else you want to talk about?" she asked, returning to the subject of Quinn. I remembered that I couldn't tell her so I shook my head, nervously.
     She looked at me, slightly unconvinced, but she shrugged and kissed my cheek.
     "I've got to go to class. Love you," she said.
     "Love you to," I said back, giving her one final kiss on the head. And she left, I let out a sigh of relief.
     'That was close,' I thought to myself. I almost let it slip.

Oooooohhh, drama! What is Finn up to? What does Quinn have to do with this? Find out in the next part!

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