Chapter Six; The Woods

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A/N: Okay before you read this I wanted to let you know that I messed up the last chapter so I rewrote the beginning of the chapter. I am SOO sorry that I messed it up so yeah if you want to re-read it you should... anywho I hope you enjoy... oh oh if you want you can add me on facebook c: Stacy Duck is my name~~~

After the the initial shock of what happened worn off I went back to my bed and began re-eating my strawberries. Once I finished them off I licked my fingers and sighed looking around my room. 

All I could see are boxes upon boxes -I have yet to unpack anything other then my bed things and some clothes- and it was getting tiresome. We just moved in last week but I unpacked the kitchen and the living room because my mom wanted that done first although she made me do it alone while my brother only had to worry about his room. Its whatever I'll unpack now. 

After I was done unpacking my room I looked at the clocked and the bright red number showed that it was midnight. 

Well what can I do right now.... I'm not tired. I thought to myself. I walked to a window and sighed. The sight was beautiful, the forest was glowing with the light of the stars and moon.  All a sudden I heard a howl, it was not like a normal howl it was beautiful. The howl sad but it was strong and well the most wonderful sound I have heard. 

Once the howl ended I decided that I was going to look around the woods. It sounded like a perfect idea. I quickly went to my closet and took out a light jacket and a pair of black shoes. I put them on and then put my hair up with a hair tie. 

I began to quietly go downstairs, I would jump out the window but my brother would hear the fall and well that means I would get caught. Once I was halfway down the stairs I checked to see if anyone was there. There was no noise so I took it as my cue to hurry up and leave. I ran down the rest of the stairs and sprinted to the back door without making a single noise. The hard part was the door; I slowly turned the knob and as slowly as I could I opened the door. I got out and then turned to close the door and made sure it was still unlocked which it was. 

I started to head to the woods and the sight took my breath away. The trees glowed under the moonlight giving off this sense of magic. 

I picked up my pace and entered the woods. Once I was out of sight of my house I began to spin while looking up. The small gaps between the trees's leaves showed the moonlight and some stars and while I spun it seemed more -how can I put this- more magical. 

I let myself fall onto the ground, still feeling as if the world was spinning. I loved the woods, I always have and always will. As werid as this may sound I felt as if the wood were apart of me or apart of my soulmate. Yes, I believe in soulmates. No, I don't believe in werewolves nor vampires ect. I just believe that there has to be someone meant for you, someone made for you and you for them, someone that will always love you and you love them. I have read somewhere that humans use to have two heads, four arms, four legs and two hearts that this other person connected to them were their soulmate. But the Greek gods were angry that we had that so they split us apart and our whole life we would spend looking for our other half.  Some found them other died not knowing their other half. 

I hope one day I could find my other half, someone to go to when I feeling sad or happy, someone hug and know that they would never leave me and well get married to and live happily ever after. 

I sighed, I wonder what my other half is doing right now and what he is thinking of I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and let the wind gently blow onto my skin. I stayed like that for what seemed like hours but most likely was only a couple minutes. All of sudden I felt a warm rough wet feeling on my neck causing me to open my eyes and come face to face with a wolf. 

My heart stopped. 


YAY I finished it. 

What do you think?

With love 

Stacy <3

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