Chapter nine; Let the games begin

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After that talk the car was silent, I stared out the window.  I really want to know if it was a dream or not because if it wasn't  I will like to see that wolf again.

I don't know what it is about that wolf but I was this pull towards him and I felt that I needed to be with him all the time. I know, I know that is really crazy but that is how I feel and I cannot help that.

I closed my eyes and all I saw were the wolf's eyes and its pure black fur. I need to stop, no more it was only a dream and just that I need to let it go.

I opened my eyes and sighed looking out the car window.  The landscape quickly came and went.

"ZOE!" Beth half yelled.

"What?" I asked

"I was asking you if we should do the plan once we get to your house or during school?"

"Well I think the sooner the better. So once we get in the house we will start the plan you remember it correct?"

"Yeah" She was quite for a while before she spoke again "Do you think this will really work?"

"If it doesn't you can always just ask him out."

"Oh gosh no I cannot ask out a guy, you know it is a guys job to ask out the girl."

"Well it is not necessarily the guy's job to ask out the girl; however, I do understand the feeling of wanting the guy to ask the girl out. I think I would rather get asked out then be the one to ask the guy out."

"Yeah, lets hope this works."

With that the car was silent again until we got to my house. Beth spoke up "Ah never mind I do not want to do this anymore. "

"Beth you can do it, would you like to live in a world of 'what if's'.Because if you do not at least try you will be asking yourself 'What if I did go with the plan, how would my life plan out?"

"Ugh okay I'll do it."

"Honestly do not do go with the plan if you do not want to I am not going to force you to do sometime you do not want to do."

"No, I want to do. You are right I don't want to live in a world of 'what ifs', it is not one worth living"

"Okay lets do it" and I opened the door to find my brother with Trevor.

Ugh why? Okay Zoe you got this just pretend that he isn't here and that its just Beth, ,my brother and you. You cannot just go to your room you owe it to brother to give him the push to ask Beth out.

"Howdy!" I screamed loudly causing Beth and Trevor to cover their ears.

"Gosh Zo you are so weird sometimes. You really need to stop" My brother said

"No Zoe you should not change I like you the way you are" Trevor blurted out causing me give him a questioning look.

"Allllrighty now. Beth do you want to watch the television?" I asked.

"Sure and wow why don't you just say T.V?" She asked

"Well I like how television sounds just hear it.... tell-uh-vis-on."

"Wow you really are weird Zoe."

We both went to sit down, Trevor and Henry stood in the kitchen which was connected to the living room, I turned on the television leaving it on whatever show it was on. Beth looked at me and I nodded, let the games begin.

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