Chapter ten; Sleep

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Okay so I kind of want the story to move along so I can get to the good stuff. If you want me to keep my pace or fast forward it to the interesting parts just please just comment which one you want. If you do not comment you have no say later on so please comment which one you prefer okay thanks loves. oh and if no one comments which one they want I will pick- and by that I mean I will ask my sister- here is the story <3

"Is she asleep or dead" the male voice paused "I cannot tell"

"She is asleep... I think" Another male voice said. 

"I'll poke her face" A female said right before I felt a poke on my face. This caused me to randomly throw around my arms hitting several different bodies then I turn to the side and cuddled into a warmth next to me.

I snuggled more into the heat and I inhaled and oh my god it smelled wonderful. I wanted to drown myself in the smell so I did what I think everyone would do and grabbed the thing that smelled wonderful. It was strong and did not come down willingly so I pulled hard and heard an 'unf' sound before it gave up and let me cuddle into it. 

"Well this isn't awkward..." A male voice said. 

"I think she should let go and now" A female voice said 

"No, I like this position" The thing I would holding on to said. 

"I think you should move" The female said 

"No, you do not tell me what to do! Do you understand?" the thing spoke again I knew this because every time it would speak I would feel a vibration. Well why the hell is the thing I holding speaking.

"But..." The female spoke again. 

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" It asked again. 

"Yes" She said 

"Yes what?" it said 

"Yes alpha." she replied 

"Good now both of you be on your way, I would like to have her wake up only to me. Understood?" It said. 

"Yes alpha” both the female voice and male voice said. 

“Yes alpha, yes alpha. How about no ugh ever heard of that word alpha?” I muttered causing the voices to laugh and the thing I was holding to grunt. All I did was rub my nose into the thing I was holding. 

“Leave” it said. 

“Yes alpha.” they said with that I went back into my dark sleep. 


I woke up to the feeling of someone touching my face sending shockwaves throughout my body. I slowly opened my eyes and found myself starting into Trevor's grey eyes. We stared at each other, causing me to  get lost in a sea of beautiful shades grey. I then began to lean into his face while he did the same to me. We paused only mere inch away from each other. I inhaled and he exhaled and then I exhaled and he inhaled almost as if we were breathing each other in our own body. 

He moved so that my forehead was touching mine. We kept breathing each other in and when I could no longer take it anymore he touched his lips with mine, pulled away and moved in to kiss me again. We began kissing, he stole my breath away then gave it back. I felt shocks run throughout my body and I just wanted more so I moved closer and he also moved closer. 

Just as things were heating up Beth came crashing into the room. Making me jump away from Trevor and for Trevor to growl in anger. My lips felt swollen and Trevor's mouth was red and were swollen as well. I looked at Trevor up and down and then I turned to Beth who had her mouth open. 

"Keep your mouth open and flies will get in there." Trevor told her, she just closed her mouth. 

"So Beth? What is up?" I asked 

"Um I wanted to see if you were awake and wanted to help me make breakfast, well really lunch but we all woke up kinda late and well you just woke up. So I thought you would be hungry." She babbled on. s=

"Yeah, I'll help out." I said getting up and walking to Beth who gave me a 'what the fuck' look. I just looked away acting as if nothing happened. 

Once we were out of the room and out of ear shot Beth began to chew me out.

"What have I been telling you over and over again!?" 

"that I should not get close to Trevor that he is a bad person and I will get hurt in the end" I stated semi loudly. I heard a growl and I saw a look of terror plastered on Beth's face. 9

"God damn it Zo" She said, she looked like someone was chewing her out in her mind as weird as that sounds. 

"What did I do?" I asked unable to leave the surprise out of my voice. 

"Never mind forget it, lets go make some food before the boys die of hunger." she said taking my arm and leading me down to the kitchen. 

We cooked eggs, turkey bacon and we cut up lot of fruits. We set up four plate and called the guys to eat. We all took our seats and I made sure to have the seat most distanced from Trevor and I think he noticed. 

"So..." Henry said trying to break the awkward silence that was covering the table. 

"I like candy" I said "Chocolate especially" 

"I love Red Vines, um I love sour candy. Spicy candy. Salty candy. Salty and sweet candy. I cant handle mint and chocolate. I like mint just not with-" I was cut off by Henry. 

"Zoe can you shut the FU*K up for more then one second?" He asked causing Beth to have a look of shock, Trevor to laugh and me to almost cry. I looked down trying to keep the tears down but one slipped and I jumped out of my chair and out of the back door. 

I ran and ran until my legs could no longer hold me up. I fell onto the floor gasping for air. I hated when he did that to me, he acted like I was a pest and was just a big bother. I hate it so, so much. 

I looked up to the sky and saw the sunlight peep behind the leaves of the tree. I sighed wiping all my tears. Just then I felt as if I was not alone I looked over and my heart stopped... 

It wasn't a dream.

The wolf was real. 

PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT ON WHICH ONE YOU WANT!! oh and your likes and dislikes of the story. Oh so there will no longer be an amount of comment and votes needed for an update I will just update as soon as I have the chapter written 

with love 

Stacy <3

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