Chapter eight; A Dream

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AN: Okay, so many people have been complaining about how short my chapters are. Okay people who are, please keep in mind that writing is not my whole life (Although it is a main part) I do have a social life and cannot write alot because I only have the internet for only 30 mintues. Futhermore last time I updated twice and wrote it all in the same day so I did write alot and I thought that would be enought but aparently not. I am happy you guys are enjoying the book and you want longer chapters; however, be careful how you say it because most of the times it comes off rude. Also I sometimes write several pages but wattpad's layout is different and causes the chapters to be shorter. Hopefully you guys  enjoy the chapter. <3 

Sorry for my rant but I am getting at lot of 'Make the chapters longer' and 'ugh its a good story but the chapter lenght is crap' messages. Just please enjoy the chapter. 


What the heck? I looked around my room several times making sure that I was in fact in my room. Once I was certain that I was in my room I paced. 

"How in the world did I end up here? Did I walk home and forget? Or did the wolf bring me home? Wait Zoe are you crazy or stupid of course a wolf could not take you home!! You dumby. Huh maybe I never left and it was all a dream, yeah yeah I am going to go with that. It was all a dream. Yes all a dream." I said to myself. 

"But it seemed so real and well I still have the smell of the wolf in my nose.... the softness of its fur in my hand.... I still see the love and care in his eyes." I said walking slower until I stopped. 

"It must be a dream! A dream that seemed so real but a dream nevertheless." I stated. 

"So talking to yourself huh... I knew you were crazy but damn." A voice said causing me to spin towards the voice. At my doorway my brother stood. 

"What do you want  Henry?" I asked raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms in front of myself. 

"I just wanted to let you know that Beth is here for you. Boy the girl can talk.." he said in a daze. He had a longing look on his face and I think he likes her. Awe that is so cute! Maybe I can hook them up that would be such a cute couple. 

"Wait she is here, like here here?" I asked shocked. 

"Yup" he said poping the 'p' at the end. "Zo your hair looks like a rat's nest." 

With that he left and I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror and almost screamed. My black hair was tangled and some were sticking up at random spots. My face had random spots of dirt and there were bags under my eyes. All in all I looked aweful. 

I looked for my hair brush and once I found it I tried to tame my hair. I went to brush my teeth then I quickly changed into some black pants and a white tank top. I then tied my hair into a pony tail and ran downstairs to see Beth. 

"Hey Zoe" Beth said once I was in the living room. 

"Hey Beth, what are you doing here?" I asked 

"Oh well I was going to go the mall by myself and thought maybe you would like to come with me" 


"You do not have to come if you don't want to I mean its fine and I wont take offense to it" 

"I'll love to go, just let me ask my mom if it okay."

"It's okay to go Zoe" My mother yelled from the dinning room. 

"Thanks mom" I yelled back "So lets go?" 

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