Chapter one: Wolf Bane High School

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                Walking down a new hallway is never easy, especially when the hallway is in a new school that is in a small town in which everyone knows everyone. Everyone was giving me looks as if I was under them. As if I was a peasant in front of a royal being. It was quite pathetic, and it was becoming tiresome. Only good part of my day or the school is that I only had four classes. Before I came here I had most of my high school credits, I was advanced in all my classes and only need four classes to graduate, early. By the way I am Zoe Craze McGowan, a junior in high school.

“Hey you are the new girl!” a very high pitched voice said, causing me to finch mentally.

“Yeah, I am.” I said turning towards the voice. There stood a small female, pale skin and light blond hair that ended at her waist. She had dark grey eyes, a soft round face and glasses to finish off the good girl look.

“I am Beth Skull, I know Skull yuck right! My family’s name is extremely gross and I cannot wait to get married and get rid of that yucky name!” She said her voice was rising towards the end and once she stopped she took a deep breath in.

“Hi Beth, I am Zoe McGowan.” I said plastering a fake smile onto my face.

“I love your last name! It is so effin’ cute. Please tell me you have an older brother who I can fall desperately in love and we can run away and get married so I could be called Beth Dawn McGowan.” She said in one breath. I simply looked at her with a surprised look in her eyes, just them my older brother came and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Beth gave me a surprised face and for a couple minutes she did not speak.

“Beth Dawn Skull, this is my older brother Henry Davies McGowan” I said “Beth, Henry.  Henry, Beth” moving my hands to and from them.

“Um hi.” Beth said blushing like a mad.

“Hello” my brother said, his voice getting deeper.

“Well, I have to um go somewhere.” I said getting away from my brother and Beth. “Bye!”

I was not paying attention, because I was looking back to see Beth and Henry looking at each other with longing eyes, I ended up running into someone.

“Watch were the hell you are going!” a deep voice said. The voice sounded like honey dripping from a spoon, deep and smooth. Causing me to mentally shiver and sparks flew from where we were touching.

“Um sorry” I said not looking at the person I ran into in the face but rather their feet.  That person had black Vans the slip on ones.

“Yeah whatever, next time you bump into me. You are going to be on the floor so better watching where the hell you are walking.” The voice said back.

“Yeah, whatever you say.” I said ducking around him to get away. I kept walking until I found my room number. I quickly found a seat in towards the middle of the room. I looked around and saw Beth sitting next to me.

“Um, hey Beth do you know if anyone sits here?” I asked.

“Yeah my Al...  Trevor, he is kind of...” she paused “no, not kind of he is a jerk so I think it would be best if you sit on the other side of me. My friend Bryson sits there but he would be okay with moving.” 

I gathered my things and put them on the opposite side. As I sat down the guy I ran into, came inside the classroom. He stared at me for a moment, for a split second his face showed love then went to an emotionless face.  Well that was weird. I told myself. He then walked and sat down where I was sitting down first.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote:

‘Is he Trevor?’’

Then passed the paper to Beth, when it landed on her desk she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I pointed to the note and signaled her to read it. She read it and started to write in pink pen.

‘Oh my, your handwriting is so CUTE! And yeah he is Trevor. He is a total hottie but he is such a jerk it isn’t even funny. And he is a player with a capital ‘P’.’

‘Ha-ha thanks, Oh okay…why is he a jerk?’

‘He pushes people and thinks he is better then everyone, he kind of is but still he doesn’t need to flaunt it.’

I looked at towards her after I read that, and noticed that Trevor was looking at me. Well more like burning holes in my body, his eyes moved from my face to my neck to my chest, and went down until he landed to my feet. I was wearing my Demonia boots, which went up to my knees. Just when Trevor started to look me in my eyes a cute nerdish guy walked in and went straight to me.

“You are in my seat.” He said his voice a bit husky.

“Oh umm sorry, let me-“

“Bryson, I told her you wouldn’t mind. Sit in front of her, no one does.” Beth said cutting me off “Stay there Zoe.”

“Okay, hi I am Bryson Eric Winters!” he said holding out his hand for me to take.

“I am Zoe Craze McGowan. Pleasure meeting you Bryson” I said talking his hand and smiling. When I took his hand I heard a growl.

Bryson just smiled sweetly causing me to blush and to hear another growl, but before I could say anything the bell rung and it as time for class to start.


Short but whatever, I hope you like the story thus far!


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