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The air was cold. Chilly. A cool breeze that I wanted to last. It was a nice breeze. I sat in front of my window, looking into the starry night. Black night. The night was dark, the moon shone bright in the distance. It cast a pale glow across the street. The street lamps were off, they turn off every day at 9:00 PM. I turned my head to look at my digital clock; 10:34 PM, it read. I wasn't sleepy, instead I was wide awake and very energetic. I got up from my chair next to the window and crept quietly out into the hallway. I passed my parent's room, I also passed my sister, Ellie's, room. I went downstairs and served myself a glass of water. I made as little noise as possible. I sat down on the couch, thinking about my mom. How she would tuck me in at night and kiss my head. She doesn't do that anymore after.. after I turned 16. That was before... before my dad went... never mind. Anyways, I would do anything to protect my family.

I heard a twig break, then another. Someone or something was walking towards the door. Quietly, I got up and hid behind the sofa, moving slowly towards the stairs. I needed to wake my parents up. The door turned and gently opened inward. All I could see were black pants and black boots. I looked up a little, but it was too dark to make anything out. I saw someone move towards the kitchen. Then I knew, I knew that there was an intruder and he was going to kill my family. All I knew was that I needed to stop them. I shot up and ran for the stairs. I could feel him coming after me. With all my force and strength, I raced up the stairs and yelled my mom's name. I heard feet shuffling and a door open. But then the person behind me grabbed ahold of my foot and dragged me down the stairs and shoved me down. I rolled down the stairs until the last step and hit the ground very hard. The last thing that I remember before my vision went black was my mom saying:

"No! Why are you doing this?"

When I woke back up, I looked if Ellie was OK. I looked into her room and she was sleeping. She was alive! I lifted my hand up to her hair and brushed it with my hand, she embraced me tightly. There were tears streaming down her face.

"Wh-what happened? Is mom okay?"

My head started thumping and throbbing with pain. I felt dazed and light.

Finally, after a few minutes,  everything came back to me.

I raced towards the stairs, slipping on.. No! I was slipping on blood. The blood kept pooling around my feet. It was warm, thick, and sticky. I walked over to the stairs, I could see blood dripping down each step. I looked up at the top of the stairs and I saw my mom, lying there with her eyes wide open and a stab wound in the stomach. There was blood oozing out of the wound. I screamed and yelled. I raced up the stairs, tears filling my eyes. I couldn't breathe, its like if someone had just thrown a metal ball at my chest. Every memory that I had of my mom in the past 16 years all came back in flashes. My whole life flashed by. My mom was dead, and no one could ever replace her love. No one was ever going to replace that hole that is my heart now. My whole life shattered, right there, in front of my mom's dead body.

I stood up and walked towards my parents bedroom, I was hoping my dad would be alive. I crept into the room. Blood was dripping from the mini-table beside the bed. The lamp on top of that table was splattered with the dark red liquid. Then, I found him. My dad was dead, he was laying there on the bed with his throat slit. Blood was still streaming out. I dropped to my knees and grabbed a torn pillow. I screamed very hard into the pillow, letting all my anger and sadness out. I screamed into it. I punched, I ripped it apart. I took the curtains and yanked them down and screamed my lungs out. After I let out my anger, Ellie and I walked towards mom's car. I had tried calling 9-1-1, but someone cut the telephone cord and the light was out. I helped Ellie into the back seat, helping her put her seatbelt on. I went into the driver's seat and turned the car on.

I drove down the road, trying to find the nearest house. I found a house and parked in the driveway. We got out of the car and yelled for help.

"HELP!" We yelled while hitting at out neighbor's door.

After a while, Mrs. Robinson, opened the door and rushed out.

"My dear, what happened!?" She anxiously ran towards us.

"Someone... Killed.. Our... Parents," I finally managed to say.

"Let me call 9-1-1! Harry! Come help!"

Harry came rushing out.

He wrapped us up with blankets and guided us inside. He gave us warm coffee and told us everything was going to be okay, but was it really?

A few minutes later, police officers took us and brought us in for questioning.

My life was turned upside down. More than it was already.


Ricky: I really hope you enjoy and find my book thrilling.

Overall, thank you sooo soo much! ❤️

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