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Today was the first day of school..... Monday.

I'm going to Ohio State High School, the same school I went last year.

The weird thing is: I love school a lot. Well, I did 12 months ago, but after that I dreaded when I had to go to school again. I don't want to see my friends, I don' t to see my teachers, I don't want to see anyone.

I wish I didn't have to, but I do. I woke up staring at my ceiling, thinking about my old friends. What would they say about me? Would they miss me? I was also scared of people asking questions when I didn't know the answers.
Susanna told me that I just needed to act normal, but what really is the definition of normal? Plain, smiling all the time, making friends, is that normal? Susanne said that if anyone is giving me any trouble that I can talk to her or just to try to ignore the person. I guess that's true, I don't know.

I was out of the door by 6 AM. I kissed Susanne and Johnny on the cheek and hugged them, they told me that everything was gonna go OK, and to remember what they said.
I think everything was gonna go OK... At least I hope so.
Walking up to the bus stop, I notice a kid. I know him, from somewhere.. I can tell his face, except I don't remember his name or where I've met him from. The bus got there around five minutes after I arrived and I slowly got on. I could sense the people staring and whispering to each other.

"Oh, it's that girl that her parents were murdered," they said and I hated how the acted like I couldn't hear but clearly I was right next to them.
"I think her parents were killed because they were rich. That's what happens when your rich like that."
At this point, I just wanted to get up and punch these two stupid girls in the face, but I remember what my mom said. She told me to never let anyone make me feel bad. She said that life was better in peace and that sometimes killing people with kindness was better than killing them with violence. I loved my mom. A lot. I loved her for that the most. Her kind words were always so wise. So happy. I never saw my mom sad before.... Until the last year of her life. It's like she wanted to die. Like she just suddenly gave up on life. And I really wanted her to be happy and love her life, but her end came so soon and she never got to. That's why I was going to find out who killed my parents. Especially my mom.
I don't want to sound harsh about my dad, but let's be honest, who wouldn't want to kill him with his abusive nature and harsh words...
The bus stopped abruptly, and I opened my eyes. I could see kids still looking at me as if I was crazy. They looked at me as if I was so fragile that even if they smiled at me, I would burst in tears.
Everyone in the school probably knows what happened to me and why I was so sad. Everyone didn't want to talk to me because they couldn't really say anything. They couldn't say "I understand" because they didn't. They couldn't say "I'm sorry what you've been through" because really they don't even know what it's been like.
I hop off the bus and look around me when I get off. I see people looking around and trying to be as quiet as possible. I can tell they want to start laughing but I bet the principal told them that they would get consequences if they laughed at me. It works all the time with principals.
My classes throughout the day were pretty boring and I don't really know why but it seems as if my teachers were acting too hard on being as nice as possible. I thank them for that but I like people who are themselves not trying to hard and coming off as liars. If you want to laugh at me, laugh at me. I could care less.
The only thing that actually stood out to me was lunch. I met some people who were actually pretty nice and helpful. They didn't really try to act nice, they were genuinely nice. Daniel was the one who stood out to me the most. He always smiled. He also had perfect brown eyes... It's pretty weird. 

The other people I met were Bella, Christine, and Ben. I knew Ben before, since he was there when I left school. He hugged me forever. He wouldn't let me go, and we were crying so much. Ben and I were best friends, our friendship grew stronger and we were always together no matter what...until the day of the incident. I have't seen him since but he is still my number one best friend. I spoke with Daniel throughout the day but I kept seeing everyone sort of stare at me when I walked in the door. It was getting really annoying and I just wanted to scream and cry all over the floor right there at that moment.

 When I got home from school, I set my book bag down and I heard something. A person. 
"Hello, this is Natasha Hoskins calling from OSHS. I need to tell you something about one of your daughters named Claire Ruhner. Students have noticed and said she has been talking ..." Then I hear a beep and then I see Susanne emerge from her room.
 "Sweetie, you're home!" She races over to me and hugs me tightly. "Who was that?" I asked Susanne, casually. "Don't worry about it," she says. I can tell she is hiding something from me, but I don't want to sit here and interrogate her because I know how that feels and it feels horrible. I walked into my room and throw myself on the bed. The first day of school is down and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate how everyone looks at me like I'm a psychopath. It really gets on my nerves but I guess I have to deal with it.
Susanne walks in a minute later and asks if I wanted anything to eat. "Can you make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?" I asked, remembering all the times when my mom would ask me the same question and we would hurry to the kitchen to make a jelly sandwich. I loved those moments. The moments where my mom had happiness. When I actually felt like I was living a happy life with my mom. The moments that seemed to be the best were all without Garred. All of my happy memories are without him because every single one of my memories with him are some sort of verbal abuse to Ellie and I and the worst one is the physical abuse to my mom and I. I followed Susanne the kitchen and we made a sandwich, I ate it carefully after she made it for me. It was really good and sweet, I don't know what it was but it reminded me of home. Of being with Ellie. Ellie and Maggie, my two favorite people in the world. The sandwich sort of transported me to a world where I actually felt worth living for, a place where my life was normal. Trust me, my life is no where near normal right now. 
As soon as I finish the sandwich, I hug Susanne and thank her. I tell her how good it was and she starts laughing. I smile at her and race to my room. I forget about all my worries and stresses, and I finally become happy. I'm happy. Finally, I'm happy.

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