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I have been so scared and protective that I have not fallen asleep since Garred left. I am dreading that he comes back and that I am not going to stand it. He never came back so I would assume that he went to a friend's house or something. I could care less, all I care about is that he is gone and I don't have to worry as much today. Today I get to relax and wander around the house... free. Today I get to be free.

Maggie walks into the room and I smile at her, she smiles back. We both understand why we are so happy. Ellie wakes up a few minutes later, she comes up to be and gives me an immense hug. I kiss her on the head and sit her down on the couch. I ask everybody if they want some breakfast and Ellie asks if she can help. I said of course. I can tell this day is going to be one of the best days in my entire life. 
In the kitchen, Ellie gets the eggs ready for me and the bacon out. I crack the eggs open into a bowl and stir them up which then I place into a metal pan. Ellie then helps me put bits of sausage in the egg. We place the pan onto the stove and we look at each other smiling. While Ellie is watching the eggs, I cook the delicious bacon. I love the smell of cooking eggs with bacon. They bring back so many memories. The best memories. I look up from the pan and see Maggie smiling at me from the stairs. She is sitting down, looking beautiful like always. She was an angel to me. She was what made me who I am today and I owe her justice and happiness. She deserves it. I put the bacon and eggs on the fanciest plate I could find in my house. I brought it to my mom on the stairs and she smiled a wide tearful smile. It was beautiful, it was emotional.

Ellie then served me some and herself. We both ate at the stairs with mom, discussing about what we would all do today. Today that we are free. 
"We could go to the mall!" Ellie chimed in after we were running out of ideas.

"Yeah, that sounds fine," I smiled to Maggie.

"It sounds perfect."

Maggie got up and raced with Ellie to the bathroom to take a shower. I just stood there watching them laugh and run up the stairs like little kids. The way Maggie was running and laughing made her look like a kid again and it was the prettiest site to see. My own mother looking like she was pure happy, no sadness, no nothing, just happy. To see Ellie also running up the stairs made smile and feel very proud. Proud that they were safe, because of me. I couldn't let anything destroy me. I hoped up and raced to the bathroom and locked myself in to take a shower. I waited to hear Maggie get out of the shower so I could take one, since I didn't want to leave them alone, I made sure someone was on the watch. I took a shower and let the cold water run down me. It pierced through my skin like a needle but it felt good. It felt very relaxing, massaging almost. It was perfect and I never wanted to leave the shower. I put my head on the wall and let the water run down my hair too. My hair fell in front of my face and I crouched down. The water was so relaxing and I could just forget every little thing about my dad and the other worries that I had n the world. After at about thirty minutes I got out of the shower and I saw Ellie waiting to get in.

"In a hurry?" I asked her. She responded with a smile and raced on inside the bathroom. I smiled back at her. I got ready in my room and tied my hair up into a ponytail, I just didn't feel like putting my hair down today. I put on a random shirt that I found and called it mine. I think it was Maggie's but somehow ended up in my closet. It was a plain white shirt and it was a little to big for me. Then I recognized the cologne that was on the shirt. I recognized that this shirt wasn't Maggie's but that it was Garred's. His shirt was in my clothes! I yanked the t-shirt off and put on one of Maggie's. I felt more comfortable with Maggie's clothes on than I did with Garred's. Ellie came into the room and she put on some pink, vibrant pink, shirt on and I guess that made me lighten up a little and laugh, ugh I had to let the horror and pain release. I need to let it go, but it is so hard to. Maggie asked us if we were ready and I told her that we definitely were. We got into the car and Maggie drove us to the mall. On the way to the mall, we listened to our music and we sang, something we would never do with Garred. Never. We could only listen to his music or no music at all and that was insane. Garred was always mean like that and I could never understand why. Maybe his parents treated him like that and that's what he thinks he should bring to the table of parenting. I believe that he was abused like this when he was a kid, so this is his envision of love. This is his type of love, but that is not love. With Garred, it's become a habit of hitting us and damaging us. Making us feel like nothing. Making us not want to live here in this world anymore. That was Garred, and no one could ever change him. That's exactly why days like theses never go away in our hearts. Memories like these are the ones that keep us together, happy, and alive.

The mall was full with people on a Saturday morning. It was just packed, and I think the reason is that this week is Black Friday. Everyone is trying to buy everything now so they don't have to kill themselves looking and pushing for things on Friday night. It's absurd, how people almost release the beast in themselves just for a stupid xbox game, when in 20 years they are going to be wondering why they even fought for this game when there were way better ones coming in the near future. I have learned my lesson on to limit how many things I waste my money on. When I go to buys something now, I think about how it's going to be useful, is it going to be helpful in anyway to my family, am I going to keep it for the rest of my life, is it something worth my money or how expensive it is? All of these things come in factor when I am deciding what to buy. I know it seems like a lot of things, but when you almost have no money and you can't ask your mom for money all the time, and your dad has quite a bit of money but he won't give you a penny, then you will see that what I am saying is the truth. When you are rich and have unlimited amount of money: You will always look at money like it is nothing and you can spend it all on nothing and you don't have to worry about anything else, but when you are poor: you treasure every single dollar and every single coin because that's all you have and that's all you get.

Maggie, Ellie, and I all stay close to one another since there are so many people here and it is overwhelming. We enter a lemonade place and we get some sugar cookies with lemonade for all of us. I pay, I do this to thank my mom for everything she is trying to do. I appreciate that.

We leave the mall after hours and call it a day. A beautiful day. 

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