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The police knock on my door.

"We have the right to enter this house if you do not open."

I slowly open the door and they look at me. They look at me.

"You are under arrest for the murder of Garred and Maggie Ruhner," they simply say cuffing me.

"What! No! What are you doing?!" I ask. I am so confused. Why are they bringing me. I didn't do anything. I did not kill my parents.

"You have the right to remain silent."

I start to scream and toss and turn. Then I give up. This person is framing me. They are all in the brain wash of the person who killed my parents. Susanne runs to the door and starts to cry, Ellie runs out and hugs me.

"My sister is innocent! She had nothing to do with it!" She screamed.

"Ellie, I love you." I couldn't finish the rest because I was shoved into the back of the police car.

The car drove off and we arrived at the police station.

Derek was waiting at table when I walked into one of their offices.

"Sit down."

I sat down and looked at his stupid face. He wanted me in jail since day one.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I want the truth. Did you or did you not kill your parents?" He asked.

"I did not." I say cooly.

"I don't believe you!" He screamed.

"Prove it then!" I screamed.

"You... Hated your dad!"

"No, shut up," a tear slides down my cheek as I hide the pain that he mentioned my dad.

"You killed them," he simply says.

"No!" I scream to myself. I start hitting my head and I lunge towards him but he stops me.

"Admit it.. there is so much wholes in your story that it simply is a bad lie you had just to cover everything up. Admit it."

"No!!! I didn't do it? Okay? Please, just let me go."

"Okay, lets take this differently," He says.

"Where were you the night they were killed?" He asked after a pause.

"I was getting water downstairs, it was cold."

"Ok, and at what time did you get to the Robinson house?"

"At around seven in the morning. An hour after they were killed."

"What did you do in that hour?"

"I was dazed out and then.. I, uh, I saw Ellie was asleep."

"Why did you not call for help?"

"They were dead. I was thrown down the stairs and I hit my head. I don't remember anything in that hour."

"Okay, did you try calling 9-1-1?"

"The phone wires were cut and there was no power."


"So, why were you covered in blood when you arrived at the Robinson."

"I tried to help Garred."

"But you hated Garred?"

"I did, but I wasn't thinking of that when I tried to helped him."

"But you said that they were dead already," He looked at me suspiciously.

"I had hope that he survived and maybe he could of said who was the killer."

"So, what about Maggie? Did you like her?" He asks.

"I loved her! She was my life!" I screamed.

"Have you seen the man that killed your parents or any suspicions of people? Any people that may seem strange when you see them."

"Everyone scares me."

He huffed and puffed and after a while, he released me.

"We'll try harder to find him, okay?"

I smiled back. I hate him.

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