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I don't know why but I feel like I'm in my house again and that there are intruders in my house. The weather is rainy and foggy. I could sense the people coming closer to me, but I can't do anything about it. I tried to get up and see who was there, but there was no one there. I know someone is watching me and for some reason I sort of know that they are the same person that killed my family. I started to breathe rapidly and I can't concentrate on anything. I notice that my room was blue... like that day of the intrusion. I saw a flash of a face... then a flash of a body.... then I was thrown onto the ground, my head hitting hard on the floor. I don't remember anything that happened in those minutes that I was passed out. The rain grew louder and wilder, and I was in my room again. I was also getting more frightened every second. I could hear someone picking at the door and looking threw the window... their hidden face hidden behind a black hat. The man finally got in and he started skulking around the house looking for people. He found Susanne and I could hear her scream while they slowly killed her.. Johnny also was trying to break free from someone but they were stronger than Johnny. I tried to look out of the corner of my eye to see the person who was doing this. I couldn't move since I was still sort of paralyzed.... then I felt someone sort of person creep into my room and I saw their shadow growing closer.. I could see them wearing a hat and they slowly put their hand on my face and slowly kissed my cheek... Who is this and why are they doing this? I try to scream for help....
BEEP... BEEP... My alarm clock was really loud and it startled me awake. It was just a dream... a nightmare.... I was so frightened. I get up and walk to the sink, splashing water on my face. 5:30 AM. I have to get ready for school! I quickly get ready, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, say goodbye to Johnny and Susanne, and then I go to the bus stop.
At the bus stop, I see Ben. Ben Gregors, the one who texted me on that day and the one who I think is my number one friend. Other than Daniel. Daniel gets up and asks me to sit with him and I do. I sit next to him and start talking to him. I tell him how my morning went and how today I have to go see a psychiatrist to treat my "mental instability and trauma". That's complete nonsense. I'm fine.. I have moved on from the murder. I walk Daniel to his class and I still see the people staring at me. Even some teachers look at me with a confused look. I open the door for Daniel and he slips in. I sit down and he sits next to me. Today we are learning.. I have no clue, instead, I am to busy trying to understand why these people are looking at me with a weird face. Daniel gets up and goes to the restroom, a few minutes later, a girl walks in named Lynn and she sits in Daniel's seat. 
"Um, excuse me, but someone is sitting there," I say to her.

"No, this is my assigned seat. Where is that person anyway?" She asks, rolling her eyes.
"He's in the freaking bathroom." 
I'm done. I'm done with people glaring at me, rolling their eyes at me.. I am not crazy! I'm just trying to cope with everything that is going in with my life at the moment. I'm trying to handle what life is throwing at me right now and I don't know if I can. 

I stand up and rush out of the door, tears streaming down my eyes. I can hear the kids behind me but I don't care. I run into the hallway, and I hear footsteps behind me. Slowly, they are walking towards me. I hear the click, click, click of the shoes on the floor. I dare not look behind me because I'm scared to know who's behind me. A hand slowly wraps around me and they push me into the bathroom. No one is there, of course. 
The man pushes me into the stall, my head hitting hard on the wall. I try to get up, but he's there on top of me and I can't get up.
His hand is coving my hand and I'm trying to get his hand off by biting him. All the memories of the intrusion come back to me in flashes and even the day when the man tried to get me in the woods. It al comes together: there is someone trying to kill my parents, but why? The man was living in my house for five days and he was in the woods waiting for me. He had everything planned out and I want to find out why. 
In the meantime, I am trying to push the man off of me. I manage to get him off and I run to the sink grabbing the metal cup next to it with napkins. I slam it into the man's head and he's sort of shocked after that. I continue to slam it onto him. Finally, after like 30 hits, he falls to the ground and I make a run for it. I am trying to run for help, when I run into Lynn. 

"What the heck, you need to watch where you're going."
I don't listen to her and I burst into my principal's room and he's not there. Dang it! I race back and I run into someone.

"How can I help you?" A deep voice asks me. 
"I'm looking for the principal," I slowly respond. 
"That would be me," he smiles. 
I tell him that there is someone after me and that they are trying to kill my parents and that he's back. He's going to try to kill Ellie and I now. I ask him to please call 9-1-1 and that I need to go ho- 
"Claire, please calm down. There has been no one in this school. No one has entered this school since 4 AM." 
"But.. But, no someone just tried to kill me in the bathroom! How did you not hear me!" 
"Claire... I'm going to call Susanne to come here to pick you up and bring you home. I think you need to relax."
"You're not listening to me! There was someone there! I saw them with my eyes!" My tears are now running furiously down my cheek and I can't stop them. I get up and barge out of the office. I climb the fence of our school and start running down the road. I am not going to let this man try to kill me, I was going to be the one to find out who murdered my family. I didn't care about anything, all I care about right now was to get home and call the cops. 
When I arrived home, Susanne was at the door. 

"Claire, honey, I need you to come with me."

 Ugh, I was trapped now. I lifted my head up to look at her and I smiled.

 "Okay, fine. Where are we going? Who is it?" I said, even though I knew who I was going to go see. I was going to go see the psychiatrist. I would tell her everything... Maybe she will understand and call the cops and make them look for a man. I wanted that man in jail right now, but first I wanted to know why and who he was.
The psychiatrist's name is Wanda. Wanda led me to a room and made me wait there for just a moment. 
When she came back, she asked me how I was doing and feeling. I told her I was fine and that I have sort of moved on from the incident. 
She asked me how my school was going and if I was taking my pills that they prescribed me to take to ease the pain. I lied to her and told her I was taking them which I wasn't because i had threw them all away in the sink when I got home the first day. I also told her that school was going great which it wasn't.
Wanda also asked me how my head was. I told her it was fine and that I had recuperated some memories. I was getting some flashbacks of the incident. 
I asked her to explain more about what happened when I fell, and this is what she told me: 
"When the man that... murdered your family threw you, you hit your head on the ground really hard. That sent a shock into your brain and it cut a circulation of the brain flow that is the one that stores your memories. The impact wasn't so strong, so you were able to remember what happened the night before and what happened after, but you cannot remember what happened an hour after you hit your head. You can't remember his face either. You can only see a flash, because your brain is trying to reach the recognition of the face but it can't quite get there. So, basically, you had a sort of short memory-loss. Sort of like a black-out that lasted 30 minutes. And those 30 minutes are very crucial because they got away and we don't know where because no one saw them."
"Oh. How about Ellie?" I ask, worried that something worse might have happened to her. 
"Ellie is fine, but the only thing that happened was that the man drugged her. They drugged her with a pill called Ambien, it's used for making you falling asleep. That's why she was still asleep when you found her."
That shocked me the most, someone had drugged my sister. What sick person would do that? 
Wanda immediately changed the subject and asked me how my foster parents were. I told them they were great and she asked me some other questions, but I was sitting there thinking about how someone drugged Ellie. This time, I really have to find that stupid killer. I was not going to stop until I did. 
We drove back home and I fell asleep on my bed thinking about the man. 
If I ever saw him, I would kill him... because in a sense, he has already killed me. 

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