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I walk towards my school and Ben is waiting there.

"Hi Ben."

"Hey! What's up?" He asks, his fruity cologne hitting my nose like an explosion.


"Something is wrong, Claire. What's wrong? Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Everything is fine, it's just that I remembered a day before the intrusion and it really upset me. I also thought that Susanne was in danger but I was actually dreaming. You could say I had a rough night last night," I shrug.

"Claire, it's alright. You will get better. You just need to relax," he says smiling at me.

"Thanks," I smile and hug him.

We walk together to class and when we reached it, there was no one there.

No FIRST PERIOD today! Meet at the cafeteria!

What was going on? Did we have a special meeting that I did not know about?

We reach the cafeteria and inside there is everybody waiting quietly.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRICE!!!" Everyone yelled as we were seated.

Brice was one of the popular kids in the school that actually did their homework.

He was the president of our grade so of course there was going to be some sort of celebration for him. We've been friends for a while, but he turned into a school freak, sort of distant from the world.

There was a big cake and everyone was dying to get a taste. I was maybe the last one to get a piece and when I did taste it, it was actually good.

"Happy Birthday! I hope today will be special and happy for you!" I say when I see that Brice is free.

"Thanks Claire, that means a lot. You doing okay?" He asks, hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little shaken still."
"I know, I heard. I am so sorry. I know words can't even describe your grief and sadness but just to let you know: you are in my prayers."

"Thank you," I say kissing him on the cheek. His pale face turns into a red tomato.

"You've never been kissed by a girl?" I asked.

"No," he laughs.

I laugh to and smile at him. I pat him on his back and wink.

I walk back over to Ben.

"Have you spoken to George?" I asked randomly after a few minutes.

"Yes, I have and he seems pretty happy in California. I mean he really misses me and I really miss him but we have made it work with all this distance between us. Once we graduate from here I am heading to California to live with him."
"Wow, you are?" I was surprised at what he was saying. I guess he really loved George that much.

"Yeah, it's the best thing I can do."

"I love you Ben!" I smile and give him a big hug.

"I love you too, Claire."

We hugged for maybe two minutes and then we realized we were the only two there.

I heard someone crying behind us.

Mr. Hatkin was crying. What?

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Y'all are so cute, I am so sad that you guys are gonna leave me in a year," he blew his nose into a tissue.

"Mr Hatkin! Don't cry! We will always remember you," I smiled and gave him a big hug.

"Oh, I hope. I hope you guys become your dream and live a happy life."

Ben comes in and hugs our professor. He is maybe 1/4 head taller than him so he has to bend down a little to hug him.

Mr. Hatkin gives us another hug and then sends us to our second period classes.

At the end of the day, Ben takes me to his car and we drive down the street. The breeze blows across my face and it feel like fun. This is fun. Being with Ben is always fun. He is my angel. I love him so much, he is just as if I had a brother. I would do anything for him.

After a long trip circling around the town, we arrive back at the school's parking lot and I say goodbye to Ben.

"Bye Ben!" I say.

"Bye Claire," He waves back at me.

I get into my car and drive back home. I reach into my back pocket and and take a paper out.



I don't remember when he gave me his phone number, but I text it anyway.


Hi! Claire?

Yeah, it's Claire.

What's my favorite color then?

Sea Green

Hmm, lets think of a harder passcode.


What is my favorite animal

A cat.

AH! How do you know so much about me?

Because I know most of my friends really well.

Hmm... What is my favorite book?

Ummm.... Gone Girl?


My turn... Who is my best friend?


What is my favorite color



It reflects your life. Which clearly it doesn't because you a smart and kind girl!

Ah! I have never told anyone that!

But you did write it on a paper we had in middle school.

You have a great memory.

Thanks :)

See you later.

I set my phone down and closed my eyes.

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