Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first story EVERR, so please tell me what you think. Thanks!! Xxx.


As I turned on the water and set my music to my favorite playlist, 'One Direction Songs', I finally forgot about the world and entered my own.

Instead of having to deal with all the high school drama and my dad's constant bickering, I felt free and able to soar to different levels of thinking.

"Ahh," I let out calmly as I stepped into the tub and soaked. "Today is my day."

Every second of the warm water on my skin felt great. After about 15 minutes of relaxing and thinking about countless things, such as One Direction, One Direction, and One Direction, I hear my iPhone vibrate.

"Eh. Who could that be?" I say, annoyed that someone interrupted my relaxation. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text message.

To: Nikki Fritz

From: April Petersen

Hey gurrrl(: I was wondering what movies and snacks and stuff I should bring to your place today... I don't really care because I like everything. Txt me in the next hour, because I'm coming at 11:00!

Crap. I forgot.

April is coming today. How could I forget? We plan this kind of thing almost every weekend we're not busy, and we have since we became friends in preschool, 12 years ago. She almost always comes to my apartment, though, because she can't stand to hear her parents constantly fighting and talking about divorce, and she'd hate to have me hear it as well.

To: April Petersen

From: Nikki Fritz

Hey! Umm I don't really care what you bring... You can pick some stuff to bring, but I have chocolate bars, Skittles of every flavor, and Sour Patch Kids here. For movies, uhm, what do you feel like watching ? I'm kind of feeling like Pixar tonight(;

After I sent it, I looked at my clock.


That'll be enough time.

As I wait for April to reply, I get out of the tub. It had been 20 minutes since I started soaking, and my fingers were getting clammy. Plus, April would be coming in an hour and my apartment was a MESS. So I drained the water, dried myself off, and put a robe on. I stepped out of my bathroom, and looked around.

'Oh jeez,' I thought to myself, while I stood there looking at the mess I had to clean. I started in the main bedroom.

One Direction posters spotted on the walls, which was how I liked it. I'm a Harry girl, and April is all about Niall. She's mainly the only friend I care about, since we've known eachother for so long, but I have other friends.

Sabrina Hayfield, my 2nd closest friend, likes One Direction, but not as much as April and I, and she's a Liam lover. Hailey Reed, my not-so-close friend, can't stand One Direction.

Therefore, I do not hang out with her as much as April and occasionally Sabrina.

"Woah!" I said to myself. I was totally off task and thinking about friends and One Direction, I had wasted time not cleaning. So, I start picking up all of my dirty clothes, and put them in the dirty clothes basket. Then, I fixed my king-size bed, which had fashionably awesome zebra print covers. After that, vacuuming (BLECH), and finally, I had to clean my vanity off, which was where I did my makeup and stuff.

One room down, five to go.

Four, technically, considering I never go into the Guest Bedroom, but I still have to clean my Bathroom, Living Room, Kitchen, and my special Music Room AND get myself ready in 46 minutes.


Going into the Bathroom, I notice that I had gotten a text from April, but hadn't heard my iPhone vibrate.

To: Nikki Fritz

From: April Petersen

PIXAR! YES! I'll bring Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, plus Finding Nemo! And I bought 4 boxes of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, so WE'RE ALL SET. See you in like 45 minutes! ((:

'45 minutes will be enough time to clean and get ready,' I thought to myself, as I was quickly washing the sink area and picking up towels.

"Done!" I said, and went on to the Kitchen. I looked around, and really all I had to do was clean a pot I used yesterday to make PastaRoni! So I quickly scrubbed it off, put it away, and went right to the Living Room.

Surprisingly, it was clean! All I had to do was put a few blankets on the couch for where April and I would sit and watch movies and shove our faces with ice cream and candy.

Lastly, I went into my secretive Music Room hidden in my closet, to see only a few sheets of music were laying on the ground. I quickly scooped those up and set them on the piano, then looked around.

"DONE!" I yelled, and ran into my room.

"Now, I need to get some clothes on," I said, realizing that I am still in just a robe. So I go into my walk-in closet, and pick out some cute Yoga Pants and a Grey Concordia College sweatshirt with red letters saying 'Concordia' going across the middle.

'Perfect outfit for a lazy day!' I thought to myself, as I admired how cute and at the same time comfortable I looked. Next was hair and makeup.

I quickly put my hair into a messy bun and wrapped a red bandana around my head as a cute headband, then started on makeup. I got a tiny bit of eyeliner on, put some light blue eyeshadow, barely any, but still noticable, and topped it all off with a bit of mascara and light lip gloss.

"Done! With only.... 7 minutes to spare!" I exclaimed with joy, and went and sat on my couch. Right as I turned the TV on and switched it to Girl Code (Love that show) I heard someone knock on my door.

'That must be April!' I though happily as I went and opened the door. When I looked to see who I thought was April, I was surprised to see a familiar curly-haired and green-eyed british face.

"Hey love," He said, as my heart melted inside from hearing that angellic british accent. "My name is Harry. Harry Styles. Me and a few of my mates just moved in across the hall. I just wanted to say hi to my neighbors." I took a breath. Harry Styles is my neighbor. Inside, I was freaking out, but I managed to spit out, "I'm Nikki."

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