Chapter 4

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I dreamt I was at a One Direction Take Me Home Concert, front row.

The boys came out and sang Up All Night, their angelic voices ringing in my ears, along with thousands if hormonally disturbed teenage girls' screams. One Direction sang song after song, and I was getting more and more excited to ask them questions for the Twitter Part.

"And now," Zayn announced. "It's time for the Twitter Questions!" As soon as he said that, I unlocked my phone and typed 'Pick a random fan, bring them up on stage, and one of you kiss her!' And pushed Tweet.

After it was posted, I immediately looked up on the Jumbo-Screen to see if my Tweet was up there. After a miserable 27 seconds of waiting, a tweet finally popped up on the screen.

Sadly, it wasn't mine. It was from some other chick, and it read, 'You guys should have a little cartwheeling and summersaulting competition, and pick a girl in the audience to come judge it!! Love y'all! Xxx :3'.

That could potentially be something I'd wanna see.

I mean, Harry doing cartwheels?

Of course, every single girl in the entire Target center started screaming things like:



I was standing there just smiling at the idiotic things people can say just to meet them.

"You!" I heard Harry suddenly yell.

I quickly look at him to see who he was pointing at. It looked like he was pointing at someone behind me! I turn around, and was about to smile jealously at whoever had gotten picked.

"No, you, love. In the cute pink and red dress. Come on up here." I heard Louis say.


I'M wearing a pink and red dress. Were they talking to me?

"Who... Me?" I stuttered stupidly, still oblivious to the fact that I was chosen.

"Haha yeah! You! Come on up here and be our judge!" Niall happily laughed to me, holding out a hand for me to take it and get onto the stage with them. Even though I was dreaming, it felt extremely real.

As I walked up onstage, I was overpowered with sadness by all the angry fans yelling insults at me.





I jolted awake, tears streaming down my face. I was in my Living Room, laying on the couch. I was snuggled up against something (or someone), and I just assumed it was April.

"Hey, April," I blurbed, hoping she was awake. I waited a few moments, and after not hearing anything, I repeated myself. Still no answer.

"April?" I said, turning over. Instead of seeing April laying, I see his beautiful forest green eyes staring at me.

"Morning, beautiful." He said, his raspy voice melting my heart.

"Harry? What... What are you DOING here? How'd you get into my apartment?" I jumbled, confused and sort of surprised that he's basically sleeping with me when he has a girlfriend!

"You fell asleep on me and I didn't want to wake you. So I just stayed here. April and Niall kind of... Hit it off. They're in the Bedroom."

Suddenly, he looked at my tear-stained cheeks, and I saw a frown form on his face.

"Why were you crying? What happened?" He questioned concernedly.

What am I supposed to say now? I'm not going to tell him that I basically dreamed about him and the boys.

"I just.... Had a bad dream. That's all." I snapped, standing up and speed walking to my room, unaware that April and Niall were in there, doing God knows what.

"Knock knock... Can I come in?" I lulled to the door of my Bedroom. I heard no reply, so I quietly opened the food and walked in.

Surprisingly, they were both asleep, April was curled up against Niall, with his arm protectively locked around her. I quickly and quietly ran into my closet.

I honestly had absolutely NO IDEA what to wear. It was a Saturday! Every other Saturday, I go food shopping, and OF COURSE, this Saturday is food shopping Saturday.

How do I pay for food?

I work at the most famous Ballroom in London, which is where I see and meet a lot of celebrities. I get paid $300-$400 per night (I work Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and sometimes Fridays from 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.), so I get about $1,200-$2,000 a week.

Since I work all through the year, I can take summers off.


People call me rich, I call me lucky to have such a paying job. So, back to figuring out what I was going to wear.

It seems easy to pick out 1 outfit in a humongous walk-in closet, but let me tell you, it's harder than you think.

After about 5 minutes of looking at basically every single piece of clothing that I own, I finally decided on wearing a black short skirt, with a white 3-quarter length shirt, topped off with a hot pink scarf and my mother's heart locket that she gave to me before... Nevermind.

Before I left, I quickly slipped on an Infinity bracelet, and a cross ring. To top it all, I sprayed my favorite perfume, Berry Flirt, on myself.

'Done,' I happily thought to myself, admiring how good yet simple my outfit is, while slipping on a pair of silver TOMS. Then, I quietly stepped out of my closet, grabbed my purse, and sped-walked out of my Bedroom.

Quietly closing the door, I snuck a look into the Living Room to see Harry still sitting there, taking pictures of himself.

Suddenly, his phone rings.

"Hello?....Hey! I miss you SO MUCH! I need to see you soon!....Well, I gotta go, a, um, friend of mine is coming....Love you lots! MWAH!" I overheard him saying and kissing into his phone.


That really put me in a crappy mood making me not want to talk to him, so I just walked past Harry without saying a word to him.

As I practically ran down the hallway, Harry came to the door and walked after me.

"Nikki!" He called to me. "Where are you going? What's wrong?"

I chuckled a sarcastic chuckle.

'I'll tell you what's wrong,' I thought. 'You're dating someone else and yet you're still flirting with me!'

I was really getting annoyed by this, because this exact thing happened to me when I was dating a kid named Derek...

He flirted with other girls. At first, I thought it was nothing, and that every guy does it, but he ended up cheating on me.


I don't want that to happen to his girlfriend. No girl deserves that.

"Just leave me ALONE! Go be a man whore SOMEWHERE ELSE!" I screamed, not even looking behind me to see his reaction.

When I got into the elevator, I looked back to see Harry, standing in the middle of the hallway, with a shocked and sad expression on his face.

I immediately felt my heart crack inside as I saw a tear stream down his cheek.

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