Chapter 12

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After the refreshing conversation with my mom, I felt better about he Nikki Situation. Since my mom is a girl (HAH, go figure), she knew what goes on in a girl's head. All I need to to is figure out why she stormed off when my phone rang.


Great. Tomorrow is Monday. Graduation. Then it'll be Tuesday. My 18th birthday. Then Wednesday. The first time seeing my dad face-to-face in 4 months. Thursday. The same day that my mom died 11 years ago. Such a big eventful week. I hate not being a lazy bum.

The car ride home was a living hell for me. All I did was stare out of the window while thinking about the big days to come while April and Niall talked lovey-dovey talk. So many thoughts were going through my head at a crazy fast pace.

"Should I forgive Harry? Of course not, he's cheating on you with another girl. Wait, she was his before you. So he's cheating on her with you. Who is this her? Why do I care? I hate Harry. No, I love him. Hate! Love! UGHH!"

I knew deep down that I had feelings for Harry. No doubt about that. But I couldn't decide whether I could trust him. I mean, he's dating someone else for God sakes!

I'm totally over thinking this.

When we got to the hotel, I grabbed the many bags of shoes and started walking towards the hotel. April and Niall hung behind me, holding hands and laughing. When I got in the hotel, I was warmly greeted by Martin, who gave me a funny yet weird look when he saw the bags of shoes.

"Got a little much?" He teased. I smiled and shrugged.

"Shoes matter." I said back. He laughed back, and waved when I left. I walked into the elevator, pushed the button for Level 14, and took out my phone.

-No New Messages-

Ugh. I have no friends.

When I got out of the Elevator and into my apartment, I set my purse on the counter and went into my Closet. There, I sat down and took out the various shoes from the 7 bags full of them. After 26 minutes of putting shoes on shelves, I was finally done. 'Yess... Now I can be lazy!' I excitedly thought to myself, running into the Living Room and grabbing the remote. 'I kind of feel like watching a movie..' I thought, and walked to a cabinet that held all the movies I owned. My eyes wandered over dozens of movies, and one stuck out: Soul Surfer. I haven't seen that in FOREVER! I took it out of the cabinet, opened the DVD Player, and stuck the disk inside. While the previews were running, I was - Don't call me fat - Scooping a big bowlful of chocolate ice cream for myself. After the bowl was overflowing with yumminess, I walked back into the Living Room. Since I definitely don't trust myself eating anything on my perfect couch, I threw some blankets on the ground and topped it off with a few pillows. 'Good enough.' I thought.

As I scrolled through Twitter, I was overjoyed to see that I had gained over 10,000 followers! "How the-" I said outloud, only to be interrupted by a knocking on the door. I first looked through the peephole (To see if I wanted to open the door or not) to see April.

"Hey!" I said happily relieved it wasn't Harry.

"Hey! Uh... Is it alright if I, uh..."

"Dude. It's your apartment, too. You don't need to ask."

She breathed a sigh of relief and walked in. Once she saw what movie was in, he froze and turned around.


As she spastically jumped around and eventually got too dizzy to stand, I was scooping her a big bowl of chocolate ice cream. I know her. She LOVES eating. But who doesn't?


"Welcome to the London Humane Society! How may I help you?" The rather large lady said with her plastic smile.

"Erm, yeah... I was wondering if I could see your dog selection." I timidly said.

"What for? Thinking about adopting a bundle of love?"

"Yeah. Actually, a gift for a... friend."

After I said that, she nodded happily and led me into a back room. I swear, I have never heard so many dogs barking, and I went deaf for a few seconds.

"SO, DO YOU SEE ANY DOGS YOU LIKE?" The woman said, yelled over the dogs. I looked. Not one puppy!

"DO YOU HAVE ANY PUPPIES?" I yelled back.

"YEAH! THERE ARE A WHOLE BUNCH IN ANOTHER ROOM!" She said, leading me into yet another room. Talk about cute. I walked in, and was instantly overjoyed to see 9 little bundles of joy running around. 7 were some sort of terrier mix, and they all looked alike. But there were 2 little puppies that completely stood out. One was a little Golden Lab puppy that was running around and sniffing the butt of the other puppy that stood out. That one was a beautiful little shorthaired German Shephard puppy, who was chewing on a dog toy.

"Uh.. Can I look at those two?" I said, not taking my eyes off of the two beautiful pups.

"Those two? Sure! They're both girls.. No names, ready to be adopted!" She said, and went to pick them up. When she brought them back and set them down in front of me, I died of over cuteness load. The Golden Lab sniffed my shoes while the German Shephard licked my pants.

"I'll take both of them." I said.

"Both?" The woman questioned.


"A-Alright! That'll be $250... Are you sure?"


As I write her a check for $300 (The extra $50 for dog toys and tennis balls), all I could think was, "I hope Nikki likes them."

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