Meet the Family

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How did this happen? Why did I let this happen? I swore to myself I would never tell him! And guess what; I did.

I'm getting ahead of myself. I need to start at the beginning, so that the story makes sense. That's what my dad always says to my twin sister, Reilly. Her stories can be confusing sometimes. Scratch that; her stories are almost always confusing.

Jesus! I can't believe this! I'm turning into Reilly now! Ugh.

Okay, I'm going to tell you the whole story. I promise.

I really hope you're still here! God, just wait a minute, would you? I need to introduce myself first.

My name is Sasha. Sasha Till. A horrible last name, right? I have a twin sister named Reilly and an older brother named Tyron. My mom's name is Penelope Till, and her maiden name was Penelope Wagner or Nel Wagner, if you'd prefer. Nel Till is a pretty weird name though, so people started calling her Penelope again. Except for my dad, CJ; he calls her Kitten. It's honestly the worst pet name ever, but my mom loves it. I finally made them agree to only use that name when I'm not around.

Anyway, time for the story.

A/N: I'm editing this story, so if at any point you notice a spelling/grammatical mistake, please let me know in the comment section or in a private message! Remember to vote! :)

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