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A/N: Hey y'all I am so sorry I'm super bad at remembering to update *guilty face*. I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!!!


P.S. I'm gonna start saying who's POV I'm writing in so y'all don't get as confused. Byeee!!!

David's POV

I'm starting to get nervous now. Maybe I shouldn't have asked her out on a date? Maybe I shouldn't have decided that instead of driving Sasha to a movie theater, I was going to drive her to my fucking house? It's too late now...

"Hey David!" She greets me warmly, sounding friendly. Friendly. Not more than a friend. Crap. "Are you gonna tell me what movie we're seeing now?" she teases. I laugh, running my hand through my hair to make sure it wasn't sticking up. Why am I nervous? Why am I self conscious?! Why am I nervous? Why am I self conscious? Why am I nervous? Why... These worries run circles in my head as I carry on my side of the conversation.

Before I know it, we're running down the driveway to my car, hand in hand. When did I grab her hand? Or did she grab mine?

I open (and close) the car door for her, before eagerly going around to my side. God, I'm screwed. She has me wrapped around her finger, and I highly doubt she'd even care if she knew.

I bite my nails, scared to death of what her reaction will be when we get to my house. She's never been there before. I've never brought her there before. My heart skips a beat as her hand gently pulls mine away from my mouth. She hates it when I bite my nails, but she'll usually say something- she doesn't ever pull my hand away. Oh well. I tell myself. I'm probably just overthinking this. I shouldn't be getting my hopes up.

Unfortunately for me, my heart and hands don't feel like listening to my head, and like the idiot I am, I entwine our fingers. I hear her sharp intake of breath, cursing myself. She's going to hate me for that. I shouldn't have taken her hand. I'd better let go now. But my heart cries out louder. We fit perfectly together. Her hands- my heart- God, she's killing me.

It's as if she can read my mind, because she pulls away. My hand aches for hers, but I tell myself to forget about her. I'll never get her, anyway. I don't deserve her. She's perfect. Even her imperfections are perfect. I pull into my driveway, scared as hell. Maybe I shouldn't have done this.


I'm pretty sure she's warmed up to the idea of being in my house, because she doesn't look like a deer in headlights anymore. A very cute deer, I might add.

"Sasha, I'm gonna go make some popcorn. You want any?" I know she'll want some- she loves popcorn.

"You know I do!" She smiles at me, and I fight the urge to pull her to me.

"One bowl of popcorn, coming right up!" She laughs. I love her laugh. I love it too much for words. I especially love it when I'm the reason she's laughing. Like now. I laugh with her, because she fills me with happiness every time she smiles or so much as looks at me. Unless she's sad. Then my heart breaks for her.

My dog, Chips, comes running up to Sasha. Don't ask, my sister named him. Said he looked like chips. I can't see the resemblance.

"Hey there!" She giggles as Chips licks her hand. "Awww you're so sweet!" I think Chips just replaced me, I say to myself, laughing at my dog and my crush. Gah! I need to stop thinking about her!

The microwave beeps, and I take out the popcorn, dumping it into a giant bowl. "Popcorn is ready! Not for you, Chips! For Sasha and me."

"Thank you, David," Sasha says sweetly. Or is that my imagination?

"You're welcome." I blow her a kiss jokingly, except I'm not joking this time. She giggles and pushes me away, to which I frown. Sasha notices my frown and pulls me back toward her, giving me a hug. At least, I thought so.

"Argh! Sasha!" I laugh as she tackles me. Luckily for me, I'm at least a head taller than her and much bigger. I end up straddling her, grinning triumphantly, while pinning her hands above her head with one hand, using the other one to pump my fist in the air. I awkwardly realize that this isn't really appropriate, but before I can move away, Sasha reaches up. And touches my chest. My mind and heart move a mile a minute as I freak out. Her hand runs down my body, teasingly, and I can't breathe. She takes my chin in her hand and pulls me closer.

OMGGGGGG I WAS SOOO NOT EXPECTING THIS TO HAPPEN!! I was writing and I was literally like: ummm this is really different from what I imagined happening in this chapter! What do y'all think will happen? I'm freaking OUT right now ahhhhhh!!!! OTP moment!!!!

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