The Waterworks

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"We are going to see...! Drum roll, please?" David announces excitedly as I drum on my knees. "Pirates of the Caribbean!"

I cheer and clap, before stating: "I've never seen that movie!"

"I know. That's why we're watching it!" David smiles and I start to daydream, yet again, about how perfect he is. Snap out of it, Sasha! It's never gonna happen!

We finally get settled and start the movie. David decided to put the popcorn on his left and me on his right, with Chips on my right, who's busy snuggling me. I don't mind, he's super soft.

The movie starts, but I can't concentrate. All I can think about is David.
David's POV

I love this movie. It's one of my favorites. But all I can think about is Sasha. Does she actually like me? Did she want to kiss me, or was she just trying to trick me? Does she know I like her? Is that why she did it?

No. She's a great person. She wouldn't do that to be mean. Plus, she's super naïve and I doubt she can tell I like her. I love that about her.

I love the way she loves Chips. I wish she was cuddling with me instead of my dog. At least I had the brilliant idea to put the popcorn on the other side of me, so she has to reach over me to get to it. God, I'm so desperate for any contact with her at all! Hm... Maybe if I start to pet Chips...
Sasha's POV

"I can't even describe it..." I trail off. How can I tell him? Don't you dare, I remind myself. Don't you dare tell him. You'll ruin it.

David, thoughtful as always, pauses the movie. I wish he wasn't always so thoughtful. He turns to face me, holding my chin up so he can look me in the eye.

"You can tell me anything. I promise." Why does he have to be so amazing? Why does he have to have that perfect smile, soft hair, and those bottomless eyes? Why do I have to like him? Why can't he be ugly? "Hey, are you okay?" he asks gently. I furiously scrub at my eyes, which had unfortunately decided to cry right then and there, and there's no stopping the waterworks. "C'mere Sasha."

I sob into his shirt at the unfairness of it all, and he lets me, because he's my best friend. Nothing more. Don't you dare tell him. Don't you dare.

Heyyy y'all!!! I have a quick question to ask. Do y'all like when I write shorter chapters like this one, or should I start writing them longer???


Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it!!!

           -Sami <333

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