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This is going to be the last chapter!! *cries*
What do y'all expect: it's a short story. I'm sooooo sad that I won't have Sasha and them all to turn to anymore, but I'll start a new book soon, don't worry.

Sasha's POV
15 Years Later

I'm panicking. Freaking out! He's late! It's his own wedding, and he's LATE! It's our wedding, for God's sake! Not just his! I pick up my cell phone and call Reilly, my twin sister. She's engaged, and is getting married to a man named Luke in September. It's April now, so there's still quite some time to go. Reilly picks up on the third ring.

"Sasha, why are you calling me? I'm literally next door!" Reilly is my maid of honor, and she has a point, but I do, too.

"If I ran over, my hair would die! I can't walk down the aisle with a floppy mop on my head!" I retort, Reilly can tell I'm close to tears, so her response is much more gentle.

"What's wrong, honey? I'll help you."

"It's Carter! He's not here!" I get out, before screaming in frustration and finally losing the battle with my tears, which became a steady stream down each side of my face. "Spencer just called me and said he isn't in his room! And that he didn't get there yet!" I'm sobbing now, and there are dots of mascara-stained tears on my beautiful white dress.

"SHIT!" and the line goes dead.

I'll just have to hope he's waiting outside for me, because I need to be out there now. I hear gasps coming from Kate and Ashley, who I'm still friends with after fifteen years, but neither of the girls say anything, to my surprise and relief.

"Hey! Babe I'm so sorry! I lost track of time!"

"Carter! Omigod I almost passed out! You have no idea how stressed out I am! You'd better have a great excuse," I rush out, my heart still racing, before turning around to face him. He looks so disheveled, like he just woke up. His hair is a mess, he didn't shave, his collar is flipped up, and his sleeve cuffs are sloppy and uneven.

"I just woke up! I didn't set an alarm but-"


"Babe, you're supposed to smile and be happy. I'm here now. It's fine."

Is he an idiot? It's not okay! My dress is spotted with black tears, my face is smeared with the same black tears, my hair is falling out of the once beautiful braid it was in, my nail polish is chipped, and I'm furious. My fiancé is standing in front of me, telling me that he OVERSLEPT. On the day of our WEDDING!

"Go, it's time for you to walk down the aisle," I state, putting on my happy face. (In other words, a mask that hides my anger and sorrow.)

Carter wanted an old fashioned wedding, so before we kissed to seal the deal, the priest was told to announce:

"Are there any objections? Speak now or forever hold your peace!"

Three long seconds go by, without anyone speaking. The priest is opening his mouth to speak, when a voice at the back yells:

"I object!"

Everyone, including me, shares a collective gasp, and I shield my eyes with my hand to see the face that connects with the voice. He stands up, and my heart stops. Literally.

I wake up in the emergency room, and the first thing I see is a man. A beautiful, sexy man. A man who is not my husband-to-be. This man is David Kenner.

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