Until Then

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"Hey David!" I greet him with a smile. "Are you gonna tell me what movie we're seeing yet?" David laughs and shakes his head no.

"Not yet Sasha, it's still a surprise." He runs his fingers through his hair, still grinning at me.

"You look like you really wanna tell me," I tease, hitting his arm playfully with the back of my hand. Why does he look so nervous? Or is that my imagination? He only really touches his hair when he's nervous, or when he's trying to make me laugh by messing it up. And he's not messing it up. Omigod he must be nervous! Ugh I need to stop overthinking!

"Then it won't be a surprise, silly. And I want this to be a surprise," David responds, winking. Oh. My. God. He's so freaking adorable when he winks. "C'mon!" David exclaims, shaking me out of my daydream. I giggle as he takes my hand and runs toward his car, with me trying to keep up. We run down the driveway (which has a pretty big slope) and David pulls open my door, waiting until I'm seated before closing it behind me and jogging around to his side.

For the first few minutes, neither of us talk. David is clearly nervous about something; he keeps biting his nails and touching his hair. I eventually reach up and take his hand away from his mouth so that he'll still have nails by the time we get to the movie theater. I look up at David in alarm as he intertwines our fingers together, barely managing to breath. He lets out a huge sigh and I follow suit, still watching him.

I feel my hands start to sweat, so I quickly pull away and start braiding my hair to give them something to do. David clears his throat, blushing, and puts the car in reverse. Wait, what?

I look out the window and see houses. No movie theater in sight.

"Um... David? I don't see a movie theater...?" I ask hesitantly.

"I know," is his simple reply. Jesus, this boy... "Goddamnit! Let me concentrate, Sasha, will you?" These words accompany a scraping sound that, even to my untrained ears, does not sound good.

Great. Just fucking great! I ruined his car. Now I'm going to have to pay for it, and I won't get to go on the shopping spree my girls and I had planned out. David is so mad at me! Ugh! Why do I ruin everything?!

I feel a pair of arms shaking me, then a hand wiping away tears I don't realize I'm shedding. "...it's okay, Sasha, I swear. Of course I don't hate you, and I'll make sure you get to go on your shopping spree." Wait, I said that out loud? Crap!

"...Are you sure?" I have trouble trusting people some of the time.

"Sasha, who do you think I am?" He counters.

"A person?" He smiles. "Named David." He waits. "Who I can trust with all my heart because he's never left my side." This answer earns me a long, deep hug, and a 'You're the best, Sasha.' "I know, right?" I smile contently into his shirt, breathing in his smell, which I've managed to associate with safety and comfort.

"Sasha? I-" David stops, and pulls away from me.

"What's wrong, David?" I ask, feeling cold and empty now that I'm not wrapped up in his arms.

"C'mon, lets go inside. We have to choose the movie!" I can tell this isn't what he wants to say, but I don't question it, I just follow the boy of my dreams inside. Inside a house. Oh god, this must be HIS house! David's house! I've never been here before. What if I mess up? What if we disagree on a movie? What if he tries to kiss me? What if he tries to... No. I refuse to let the what ifs win this battle. I will win, and I will love every second of it. God, I love this boy.


Hey y'all!! I decided to start putting a little author's note at the end of each chapter, just to chat and stuff. **randomly starts laughing** okkk that was a little weird but oh well. If y'all haven't already guessed, I loooooove leaving cliff hangers. I hate it when I'm reading and I get to one, but I'm evil and I like to torture y'all so yeah. **smiles like a psychopath** My god I am so sorry I don't know what is wrong with me right now!! Actually, I do know. I'm in love with the characters in my book, especially one. **wink, wink**

Comment who your favorite character is so far!!!

I promise Sasha's bffs, Kate and Ashley, will be a bigger part of the story soon, and that her twin Reilly will too. But not yet. We need to let David Kenner and Sasha Till fall in love. <3333

*****If you've thought of a ship name for the two lovebirds, let me know, and also, make sure to comment any suggestions about anything.*****

I love y'all sosososososososo much!!!!!

- Sami

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