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I'm shaking as I drive home. I did it! I asked her out! Of course, she doesn't know I meant it as a date. She thinks she's seeing a movie with her best friend.

When I finally realized my feelings for Sasha were stronger than friendship, everything changed. We were walking out of the school building, on the last day before winter break. She was laughing because I was trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue. She told me I looked ridiculous, and I looped an arm around her and told her to join me. I told her not to care what people thought of us. Snowflakes were in her hair, dusting her eyelashes, and I remember staring. She was beautiful. She still is, but that's the first time I realized.

"Sasha," I laughed. "There are snowflakes on your eyelashes!"

"There are some on yours, too," she had responded, giggling. There was nothing funny that had just happened, but we were in one of those moods where everything was funny.

"Wait, don't wipe them off yet!" She exclaimed as I brought my hand up to my eyes. "We need to take a picture of this!" I remember thinking her idea was a little strange at first, but to be honest, the picture turned out really cool.

After we took a billion pictures (Sasha kept insisting there was something wrong with them), we looked around. Everyone had gone home, wanting winter break to start as soon as possible. We were the only people left. For some reason, I started to get nervous. Then I had an idea. An subtle idea that would make me happy without Sasha knowing I like her.

I reached up, brushing the snowflakes from her eyelashes. Suddenly, she tensed. Had I done something wrong? No, she was looking over my shoulder. I turned around to see what she had been looking at, but I saw nothing. I turned around to ask, and just as I opened my mouth, a freezing clump of snow exploded on my face, numbing it.

"Ah!" I yelped, obviously not expecting the attack.

"Ha! I got you!" She retorted, sticking her tongue out.

I now know I was being stupid, and that she could never like me. Just a few weeks ago, she and I were talking and she told me about this guy she liked who could never like her. When I asked her who it was, she insisted she couldn't tell me. I had my suspicions, but I don't like getting my hopes up so I let it slide.

Sasha enjoys making fun of me. She laughs at my quirky traits and finds it funny that I'm blind when it comes to flirting. I'm not blind, though, I'm blinded. By her. But I can never tell her that, so I let her think she's right.

Crap! I can't be late! Sasha will never forgive me if I'm late picking her up for our first date... Wait. It's not a date. I can't slip up.

I arrive at Sasha's house around 8:50. I knock on the door and step back. The door opens, and I'm standing in front of the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Wow! I can't help but stare as she looks up at me, her big eyes looking even brighter tonight.

"Hey David!" Her voice is full of smiles and excitement. And is it just me, or does she sound almost... Nervous?

I feel a little self conscious as I greet her back and tell her she looks nice. I want to tell her she looks beautiful, but we're friends, not boyfriend-girlfriend. I'm still wearing what I went to school in, of course. It didn't even occur to me to change until I saw her standing there.

"C'mon, let's go! We don't want to miss the movie!" I say, pulling her outside and closing the front door in one (very impressive-looking) fluid movement.

I feel giddy with anticipation of the night to come.


Hey y'all! I'm making edits right now to this, and if you have any corrections, feel free to comment or message me!

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