The Beginning

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It was about three years ago. I had just moved back from Switzerland, after living there for a few years. I was going to a new school, and I was a little nervous even though I knew I would make friends. I walked into homeroom, and everyone stared. They didn't stare, in a bad way, they were just curious. There aren't many new kids in eighth grade. Still, I felt uncomfortable with so many eyes on me. Summoning up my courage, I looked around the room and smiled.

The day was pretty uneventful. I made some friends, and I was introduced in every class by the teacher. Good thing I was used to being the new kid! I met a bunch of people on my first day, but none that I could picture becoming friends with. The students I met were just the kind of people who were willing to save the mysterious new girl a seat. I willed myself not to get discouraged, knowing someone would catch my eye soon.

It was about two weeks later when I met him.

He was tall, funny, and super cute. Did I mention he was cute? Because this was probably the cutest guy I'd ever met. I knew I had to get him to notice me! I went and introduced myself when he was with his best friend, who was almost as cute as him, but a little too short. The boy's name was David Kenner. His short friend's name was Pete Brown.

I was instantly added into their little group and became close friends with the two of them, all while hiding my attraction to David. He never suspected a thing.

Over time, though, I stopped liking him more than a friend, because he was the best one I'd ever had. My girlfriends would insist that I had a crush on him, and I would deny it, saying I could never and would never develop any feelings for him.

At the end of the year, Pete moved away. David and I would miss him a lot, but he was eventually moved to the back of our minds as we met new people.

A few years passed, and we started eleventh grade. David and I were still best friends. I told him everything, and vice versa. I really felt like I belonged, and it felt amazing.

Aside from David, I had two girlfriends. Their names were Kate and Ashley. They were awesome, but they didn't really understand me as much as David did. He was the one person who actually knew all of me, not just the little tip of my iceberg. He knew how I felt about everything and everyone (except for how I used to feel about him), and he could make everything better just by sending me a text. David really was amazing, and I let him know so. I told him he was the best friend I could ask for, and I didn't know what I would do without him.

I guess I wasn't careful enough...

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