Not a Date

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In present time, things are going pretty well. I haven't broken my promise, and no one suspects a thing. David is driving me home from school, because I don't have my license yet. We pull up to my house, and I linger in the car, not wanting to get out because the car smells like him. David turns to face me, and my naïve heart starts pounding, thinking he's about to ask me out.

"Hey! Sasha! Wanna go see a movie? I didn't want to go by myself, so I thought I'd invite you to come."

"Of course, that'd be awesome! I'd love to," I immediately reply, a little too enthusiastically, and cringe inwardly. Technically he did ask me out, though, so I guess I'm not that naïve.

"So I'll pick you up at your house at 9:00?" he asks.

"It's a date." I give David a thumbs up and a smile, and he laughs in return, luckily thinking I mean the kind of date where two friends hang out. Because David and I are friends, and nothing more.

I skip inside excitedly, glancing at the clock on the microwave out of habit.

"Omigod," I gasp. It's 7:30! It's just like David not to take into consideration how much time it takes me to get ready for a date. Wait... He doesn't know this is a date. That's because it's not! I slap my forehead, reminding myself again that this is not going to be a date.

A date... With David. I start to daydream about my perfect date- with David, of course. Who else would it be?

"Hey, Sasha. I wanted to ask you something, but I'm a little nervous."

I laugh softly, and kiss my boyfriend gently on the lips, pulling him closer.

"There's nothing for you to be nervous about, baby."

David smiles at the reassurance, gaining confidence.

"Okay, if you say so," he replies. "I wanted to ask if you... If you wanted to maybe-

"SASHA STOP KISSING THE DOORFRAME! YOU'RE COVERING IT IN LIPSTICK!" Reilly screamed at me, giggling while grabbing the paper towels to wipe the sizable red stain from the off-white -but now partly red- doorframe. I get the cleaning spray out of the pantry, not wanting her to have to do this alone, and knowing that my awesome new lipstick does not come off with just a little rubbing. We eventually finish cleaning the doorframe, her laughing hysterically the whole time, and me holding back my bursts of laughter and embarrassment with fake coughs and sneezes.

"C'mon. Let's go up to your room," Reilly manages to gasp out. "I'm dying here!"

"Fine," I reply in my best brat tone. "If you say so." I start to giggle.

We climb the stairs and stumble into my room, racing each other there.

"I win!" We both shout at the exact same time, so it's impossible to tell who actually did win. When we were younger, this kind of thing would've started a fight and we would end up punching each other, but now, we shrug it off and say, "How do you know?" This, of course, results in another round of giggles, until I happen to take a look at the clock on my night table.

"Ahhh!" I scream. "It's 8:15! I need be ready in forty five minutes!"

"Tell me. Right now," Reilly demands. "And don't even try to squirm out of this one."

"Fine... I'm going on a date!" I squeal.

"A date? With who?" Reilly looks shocked. "I didn't know you had a boyfriend!"

"Well... That's because I don't. Yet. David asked me to go to the movies, just us two, and he's picking me up at 9:00. Move it! I need to change!"

"Omigod. That's going to be amazing! He'll fall in love with you tonight, I'm almost positive." Reilly already knows about my crush on David, and this is the first time he's ever asked me to the movies, with just us. He must like me more than a friend, right?

I get ready in record time, remembering to spray on some of my favorite perfume (David once told me he liked it, too). I throw on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, light blue denim and brand new, and my favorite shirt, which is an olive green halter top. I wear my new white converse, too. As a finishing touch to my outfit, I also put on my silver hoop earrings. I study myself in the mirror, and decide I need to fix my hair, which has been thrown back into a half-ponytail.

"Reilly! Would you be able to straighten this mess?" I say, pointing at my head.

"Of course! Hold on a second, I need to grab my flat iron. It's in the garage." She sprints off before I can ask her the obvious question: why in the world would you put your flat iron in the garage?! Oh well. Reilly is a mystery.

I consider what makeup I should wear on my da- NOT date, correcting myself before I can make the same mistake all over again. I settle with neutral eyeshadow, my favorite mascara, and my favorite Mac lipstick, called Faux. Don't think I forgot primer and concealer, I'm not stupid! I'm contemplating whether or not I should put on blush, too, when Reilly comes back.

"Use blush," Reilly states, somehow reading my mind. "That's always what you ask me when you're going out somewhere." Ah. That's how she knew.

"Thanks Rei," I respond, using my old nickname for her.

"No problem, Sass," she counters, using her old nickname for me. While Rei gets to work on my hair, I start on my makeup. Luckily, neither of us mess up, because just as we finish cleaning everything up, David rings the doorbell.

"Good luck!" Rei winks at me, smiling, and I wish yet again that I could combine those two flirty traits into one without looking like a dying fish. Hm... Maybe I just need practice. I try it back at her, and she laughs, gently shoving me towards the door and saying, "Go!"

My heart is pounding as I reach for the doorknob, and I turn it, realizing that I forgot to paint my nails. Oh well. David won't care. I take one last deep breath and open the door, smiling.

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