Lost and Found

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*Ashley's POV*

"Where'd she go and why did you say 'Fuck'?" CC looked at Sammi.

"She slammed a door shut. We need to find her now. She's about to do it. Ash please don't tell me you have anti depressant or sleeping pills in your house." Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Shit. I have sleeping pills in my bathroom. I only use them when I cannot sleep." I don't know why I didn't throw them away already. I don't need them anymore. I am an idiot. If Juni dies it's my fault.

"Fuck. Don't just sit around. FIND JUNI!!" Sammi screamed and everyone scrambled to find her. I ran straight to my room. Not there. Damn it. Andy checked the garage. The bathroom door was open and my pills were gone.

"SAMMI THE PILLS ARE GONE!" I felt an odd breeze. I shut all my windows. I walked towards the breeze. It came from my room. Shit. Juni let through the window.

"SAMMI JUNI'S NOT HERE. SHE LEFT. COME TO MY ROOM. CC AND ANDY DRIVE AROUND TO FIND HER. SHE'S GOT TO BE CLOSE." Sammi ran into my room and I heard Andy's car start up. Jake was silent and Jinxx had no clue what to do. Sammi looked out the window.


"She can't be gone. She's here. I know it." Sammi paced. She looked like she was trying not to cry. Jake on the other hand was sitting on the floor looking out into space.

"Ashley what if she's at a park? I know there's one close by. Wait. Aren't we near like some mini forest? She could be there."

"Jake you make a good point. Sammi go with Jake to the park. I'll take Jinxx with me to the forest." Sammi nodded and left the room. Jake followed her.

"Jinxx let's go. Grab a flashlight and the walkie." Jinxx nodded. I always kept flashlights in my room in case of a black out. Jinxx grabbed the radios out of his car.

"Channel 6 right?" I looked at Jinxx while we entered the forest with our flashlights on.

"Yea. Keep the volume high enough so you can hear it but low enough so you can hear other sounds." Jinxx headed off in one direction. I went a different way. I adjusted the volume and called Juni's name.

She wouldn't respond. I walked for about 20 minutes and searched every inch of that forest. I heard something shuffle. I turned around. I shone my light at the noise.It was Jinxx.

"Any luck?" Jinxx shook his head.

"Where could she be Ashley?" I shrugged.

"Wait. Ashley. Walk down the sidewalks and see if you see something that Juni might have dropped." Jinxx said as we walked out of the forest to the front of my house.

"I'll walk this way. You walk the opposite way." Jinxx nodded and looked around as he walked. I walked and looked at the ground carefully. I saw a razor covered on blood droplets. I walked a bit more and noticed pill powder. It was from my pills.

"JINXX I FOUND SOMETHING. TURN AROUND AND GET OVER HERE. FAST!" I yelled over the radio. In about 2 minutes Jinxx arrived.

"Look. Pill powder. She must've dropped some pills and crushed them by accident. And look I saw a blade with blood on it. It has to be her Jinxx. Follow me." Jinxx nodded. I saw that the blood splatters were getting more frequent. But I noticed that we were getting close to CC's. That's not a good sign.

"Jinxx call Sammi. Tell her to meet us at CC's. I'll call Andy." Jinxx called Sammi. I called Andy. He answered immediately.

"Did you find her?" Andy rushed out.

"No. Put me on speaker."

"okay. What's up?"

"Juni is somewhere near CC's. There was a discarded blade with blood on it and then there was a trail of blood splatters and some crushed pills."

"Andy. She's at her dad's. I mean there really isn't much space for her to hide at my house and it only makes sense that she got scared and ran to the only place with family that she knows."

"CC you fucking genius. Get to Juni's. NOW!" I hung up and ran to Juni's.

"Ashley! Gummy! Where's Juni?!" Sammi yelled running towards us. Jake was right next to her.

"She's got to be at her dad's. That's the only logical place. CC came up with that." I panted. Just then CC and Andy pulled up. CC ran out of the car. The blood trail was a lot bigger and he followed it. It went to the side of the house. I heard yelling and something smash. I broke the front door down from my adrenaline rush. I saw her on the floor bleeding everywhere. Her dad was holding her arms, grinning.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! YOUR OWN DAUGHTER IS DYING AND YOU'RE SMILING." I bitch flipped when he smiled. He threw Juni to the floor and came up to me. Jake came out of nowhere and pushed his dad.

"Jake?! How? But I thought- How did you find us!!" His dad was speechless when Jake pushed him.

"That doesn't fucking matter. Why would you do this to Juni? She's fucking dying and you're sitting here watching her. You helped in the process by fucking beating her and from what I heard you FUCKING RAPED HER!!!!" Jake was furious. I heard Andy on the phone with 911. I heard faint sirens and I grabbed Juni. She wasn't herself. She was pale and going cold. My bottle of sleeping pills fell out of her hand. I had 19 in there. Only 6 were left. I rushed her to the ambulance the minute they pulled up.

"SAVE HER FUCKING ASS! SHE'S DYING FAST. She took about 8 of my sleeping pills. And she's bleeding like crazy. There's a good chance she has internal bleeding. Hurry you're asses up and get to the hospital. MOVE IT." the ambulance was rushing to the hospital. The paramedics hooked Juni up to all kinds of crap. I was irritated because they didn't pay much attention to what I said about her arms. I ripped up my shirt and tied it up on her arms to stop the bleeding. We were at the hospital in 5 minutes. They rushed Juni to the ER. I was asked questions about Juni and how I found her and shit like that. They gave me a questionnaire to fill out. Jake would be able to fill this out so I put it on a chair in the waiting room and waited for Jake, Sammi and the rest of the guys. After about 5 minutes Sammi and the guys came. Jake had blood all over him and tears were streaming down his cheek.

"Holy shit dude. What happened?"

"I got into a fight with my dad. He looks just as bad as me. I don't think he's gonna be in that house for awhile. He got arrested and is charged with rape and child abuse. He's going to anger management classes and rehab for being an alcohol addict."

"And the cops told you all this."

"Yeah. And the court date is next week. Juni and all of us have to testify to at least one thing."

"Oh. Well this is for you to fill out. It has to do with Juni. I think both you and Sammi can fill it out since you guys have known her the longest." Jake sat down with Sammi in his lap. Jinxx sat next to Jinxx and held Sammi's hand. Everyone was taking this really well. I think we are all trying to stay strong for Juni. We can all cry about this later when we find out about Juni's condition.

"Dude what if this is my dream but instead of Jake and the lake house it's Juni and her dad's. I mean, she ran away and didn't say where. She obviously cut. You yelled at the paramedics and used your shirt on her cuts. I can tell because you're shirtless and have blood on your hands and some on your stomach. This isn't fucking right. She can't die. No I'm not living that dream out." Jinxx slumped down to the floor. Jake shot his head up the minute Jinxx started talking. He started shaking and was constantly blinking.

"Don't talk like that. Stay strong for Juni. It's what she'd want us all to do." I patted Jinxx's shoulder.

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