Chapter 04

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Tati's pov
Wait I recognized that voice I turn around...
Tati: Uncle Calvin I miss you...
I walked towards him and he backed away... Tati: Uncle you didn't recognize me... ?
Sir. Calvin: Uhh no... Who are you?
Tati: Well this will help...

( Dont mind the beginning start at the tutting part )
After that Sir. Calvin stood there and his eyes widened...

Sir. Calvin's pov
Tati: Well this will help...
She started doing the secret tutting fingers that tati and I made... After that... Shocked..
Sir. Calvin: Tati is that you?
Tati: Yup, Uncle cal... So your the p.e teacher?... The school gym is pretty cool...


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Sir. Calvin: Yup, I'm the teacher and yeah...
Tati: So what's the lesson for today?
Sir. Calvin: No, spoilers... And why did my brother didn't tell me that your going to study here?...
Tati: Well, he said that it was going to be a surprise...
Suddenly the bell rang which means p.e class is about to start...

Tati's pov
The bell rang and p.e class is about to start..
Then students are now rushing in the gym...
Sir. Calvin: Okay, students we got a new student here her name is Tati Mcquay and also she is my niece...
Sean: What , tati is your niece?
Madi: Oh my tati is your niece... How wonderful...*clapping*
People starts whispering...
Sir. Calvin: Okay, today's lesson is about racing...
Mal*aka Boogie*: Is it about cars...?
Sir. Calvin: Maybe now go change to your gym uniform....
So everyone went to the gym lockers but boys and girls are separated... After that I got out of the girls locker but I still got my jacket and hood on...
Tati: Sir. Calvin can I keep my jacket on?
Sir. Calvin: *made eye contact* Okay... So position everyone...
Everyone went to the starting line...I am so excited for this...
Sir. Calvin: 3 *lights red* 2 *lights yellow or orange* 1 *lights green* GO...
Everyone starts running even me...Kenneth, Sean, and Gabe are the leading runners and I'm the 2nd which means I am at the back... I looked back and I saw someone helping the other people some are determined... So I turn around and focus I speed up and Now I'm the leading runner I looked back and saw Kenneth, Sean, Gabe shocked and their mouths are hanging open... I giggled and focus again I already saw the FINISH LINE... I smiled and speed up and ran and ran... After a moment I crossed the finish line....
Sir. Calvin: And the winner is TATI...
Tati: *gasping* *sat on the ground*
Sir. Calvin: Time for a little break everyone..
So we tooked a break...After taking our break... Sir. Calvin came back..
Sir. Calvin: Okay our next game is. Car Race. Nobody reacted... *cricket sounds*
Sir. Calvin: Ohhh, Okay so who will participate? Those who will participate will get an another plus points...
Lexee, Mal*boogie* , Me*tati* , Kenneth, Sean, and Gabe raises our right hands...
Sir. Calvin: Okay we got 6 players... Okay before we proceed to our next game... Tati can you tell us your likes and dislikes... ?
Tati: Okay, I can tell you after class... Ok
Sir. Calvin: No, right now teachers orders...
Tati: Fine my likes are - singing, dancing, playing instruments, sports, and athletes...
My dislikes are - girly things, make-up, high heels, short dresses, and short shorts... Why did you ask anyway...?
Sir. Calvin: Nothing just asking... What if your parents force your dislikes to likes?
Tati: IDK... But I have no choice for that... Well I'm going to get used to it... I want to respect them...
Sir. Calvin: Okay let's start our game...
( Okay I'm gonna call Malia her nickname *boogie* or her shortcut name *mal* OK )
Mal: Kenneth, Gabe, Sean, Lexee, and Tati please watch me cross the finish line...
Other students: Oooohhhh...
Lexee: Ha, What a great joke that you made up... BOOGIE
Mal: WTF... How dare you to call me like that... *points index finger to lexee*
Kenneth,Sean,Gabe: Maybe the three of you ladies... Watch us cross the finish line...
My eyes is now changing colors and now it's orange it means I'm really excited and wanted to do something extremely I smiled
Tati: Well let's just see about that... *grins*
Sir. Calvin: Stop arguing *saw tati's eyes* Well the 5 of you better pray that tati will not do anything to you...
Everything was silence... My eyes turn back to normal again but I'm still excited...
Sir. Calvin: Good, Now let's go to the school garage... The other students you may watch them race...*leaves*
So we followed my uncle or Sir. Calvin and we went inside the school garage...
Sir. Calvin: Okay racers pick your cars...
After picking our cars...*Pic down below*

Sir. Calvin: Okay, drive these cars on the starting line...
So we start the engines and drove off and went to the starting line the race track is so cool...The race field is cool *sry for the name 😅* Pic below...

Sir. Calvin came back with a flag.. And he shouted...
Sir. Calvin: Okay listen up the rules are simple 1. Play fair 2. No cheating 3. Enjoy the game... 3, 2, 1 GO
So we started racing... The boys are on the lead again but I know that I can keep up with them... And I saw mal and lexee bumping each other's car...
Sir. Calvin: *blows whistle* Malia and Lexee you two are disqualified... Out of the car...

Sir. Calvin's pov
I saw malia and lexee bumping their cars to each other... I blowed my whistle...
Sir. Calvin: Malia and Lexee you two are disqualified... Out of the car...
So the both of them got out of the car and walked towards me...
Sir. Calvin: To the principal's office now... *pointing towards the exit door*
They turned around and went to the door...
Sir. Calvin: Romeo, please watch the racers.. Romeo: Okay sir...
So I left the race field and went to the principals office...

Tati's pov
I already saw the finish line and the 3 boys are still on the lead...I speed up... And I got between gabe, and kenneth's car... Now the 4 of us are now side by side but not to near.. And I saw the finish line...I speed2x up and now I'm on the lead... Wooohoooo.... Then suddenly kenneth is catching up on me... I smirked... My eyes turn orange again... Now kenneth's car and my car are now side by side now I speed up and the finish line word is now getting bigger which means we are almost there I speed up and Kenneth also speeds up...
Tati: Oh, it's on pretty boy... *speeds off*
And kenneth was left out but he also speeds up and now we both crossed the finish line..
I was shocked... Now that was a real game...
I got out of the car... And then...

TBC... More episodes are coming and you can vote if you want to... Bye guys thanks for reading...

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