Chapter 16

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Tati's pov
As I kicked the ball it went flying towards the goal and the goal keeper jumped....And missed the ball...And the ball hit the net...
The girls cheered...The boys were shocked...
Sir. Calvin: The girls won...
Suddenly the bell rang...We all went to our perspective lockers freshened up and change our clothes and went outside the campus...Then the gang was assembled...
Bailey: So?
Boogie: What now?
Tati: Are you done making the P. E project?
Sean: Shit, I forgot about that topic...Boogie let's go and do our project...
Boogie: Calm down dude...Bye guys...
Boogie and Sean left...I noticed Madi and Jayden was under the tree cuddling...Kenneth and Bailey is also gone...Dara and Tefi looked at me...
Tati: The P. E project is a pair...You have to do a Dance Video and put it on a cd or a usb...
Tefi: Cool, dara and I gotta go and work on that project...See ya tomorrow...
Tati: See you too...
Tefi and Dara left...Gabe and I are the only one left...He looked at me and asked...
Gabe: What now?
Tati: I dunno...
Both: Let's go and get Ice Cream...
We both looked at each other and laughed..
Tati: Okay let's go...I'll race you there...
Gabe: Sure...If you win I'll pay for the ice cream...And if I win you'll be the one to pay for the ice cream...Deal?
Tati: Deal...3 2 1...Go...
We ran and went to our car...I found mine and ran then got in turn the engine on and went off...

Gabe's pov
Shit, I'm gonna lose...This place is packed...I found my car and ran to it...Got in and started the engine and took off...I saw tati's car on the lead...I'm totally gonna lose...After 2 minute race...She won...I got out of my car...I looked at her and she got out of her car with a smirk...
Tati: Ice cream time...
Both of got inside...We went to the counter and ordered our ice cream...We ordered the same ice cream flavor and of course I payed for the ice cream...We went outside...

Tati: Thanks for the ice cream gabe

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Tati: Thanks for the ice cream gabe...
Gabe: No problem...
We ate our ice cream and went to the park...
We talked, tell jokes, laugh, eat our ice cream...( They looked like this )

( They looked like this )

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After the ice cream...We went back to the ice cream parlour to get our car...When we get there...
Tati: Thanks gabe...
Gabe: For what?
Tati: For the wonderful day...
Gabe: No problem...
Tati: And by the way did you transfer the video to a cd or usb or something...
Gabe: Yup, it's already transferred...
Tati: Okay, I gotta go...It's getting late...
Gabe: Okay, bye...
Tati: Bye...
Tati left and went to her car...I watched her car moving away...
Gabe: This day is awesome...
I went home and plopped down to bed and listen to music...*of course he's riding his car*...

Tati's pov
Gabe is a nice companion...I parked my car on the garage and got out and went inside the house...Then I shouted...
Tati: Is anyone home?
Clark and Crystal: Were upstairs little sis...
Mom: I'm in the kitchen dear...
Tati: Okay...
I went upstairs and to my room...Took a bath and I changed my clothes to a comfortable one...Grab my headphones and put it on then plopped down to bed...Listening to music...

Hey guys I know this is short...Sorry but stay tuned for the next chappie...Bye

Tati McquayWhere stories live. Discover now