Chapter 06

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Tati's pov
Tati: About that I already got my decision and I'm going... But first I wanna eat something... C'mon let's go and eat sushi...
So I grab malia's hand and she stopped...
Mal: Okay but your the-
Tati: Stop talking and let's go... Don't worry I'll be the one to pay...
So we ran and went to the sushi bar... After eating some sushi's we went to the smoothie bar... After that we went back to school... Suddenly...
Mal: *phone rings* Wait a minute *gets phone* Shoot, it's mom I have to take this...
Tati: It's okay...I'll wait here...
Mal: You can go first... I'll catch up...*leaves*
Tati: Okay... *starts walking to the school dance studio* *After a moment she gets into the school dance studio*

 *starts walking to the school dance studio* *After a moment she gets into the school dance studio*

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Tati: Oh, it's spacy... It's hot in here...
Lily: Take off your jacket...
Tati: *jumps* Who goes there?
Lily: *pops out of nowhere* It's okay tati... Geez no need to freak out...
Tati: Wait how did you know my name?
Lily: I had some other ways... Woah it's pretty hot in here...
Tati: Who are you? And what's your business here?
Lily: Where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself.... I'm Lily Vondart I'm your spirit guardian....
Tati: Puh-lease spirit guardian...*laughs a little* Their not real right?
Lily: Do I look like a mannequin to you... Of course were real...
Tati: Geez no need to be mad...Do my parents know about this?
Lily: You gotta be kidding me... Of course each one of your family has a spirit guardian...
Tati: Sorry no need to be a douche...
Lily: What did you say? I heard it... I'll have my revenge on you...*sweats drop* So hot...
Tati: Revenge...Oh, I'm so scared...
Lily: *raises an eyebrow* *snaps fingers*
Your welcome tati...Gotta go...*disappears*
Tati: *gasp* My jacket its, its GONE... *gets bag and grab her cap and headphones* It's okay tati...It's okay... *puts headphones on*

Mal or Boogie's pov
*On phone*
Mom: Malia Tinay...Why are you late?
Mal: Sorry mom...I'm going to attend the dance class here in school...
Mom: Oh, then why you didn't tell me?
Mal: Look mom I forgot I'm sorry okay...
Mom: Okay but don't do it again... Okay love ya...*hangs up*
*Ends phone call*
Mal: Phew that was close... Shoot I forgot tati... Why do I have to forget something..?
I was about to run but a strong grip caught my hand I turn around and saw sean...
Sean: Why are you such in a hurry?
Mal: It's tati I left her alone in the dance studio...
Will: Don't you worry boogie were going to the dance class too...
Mal: I hate that nickname but it's okay only my friends call me that if a mean girl calls me that I'm gonna torn her apart...*let go of
sean's grip* Let's go...
So after that we have finally reached our destination... I opened the door and we saw

Tati's pov Suddenly the door opened revealing a shocked girl and boys

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Tati's pov
Suddenly the door opened revealing a shocked girl and boys... I got up and put my
cap on... (Tati's face is not yet so clear...Means they cannot see tati's face so clear...I hope you understand what I mean)
Tati: Hey guys.... *awkward silence* Okay what is going on?
Gabe: You take off your jacket and hood...
Tati: Yeah I know about that It's a little hot in here...
Josh: I know right it's a bit hot in here...
Sean: Ehem, she just said that a few seconds ago...
Josh: Oh right... Sorry...
Tati: Ok, anyways the dance class is about to start...
Suddenly more people are now rushing in the dance studio then the choreographers went in and they introduces theirselves...
Matt: Good Evening guys so I'm Matt Steffanina and this is my partner Dana Alexa... And we are the choreographers...
Dana: Tonight we are going to dance My House - Flo Rida...So let's start...
( Before you watch the video...Pretend that they are dancing in the video well except tati she is not in the video because she don't have the guts to dance in front of random peoples *in my story only* so..yeah now go watch it )

After making a video to post it on YouTube they all sat down and listen to Matt...
Matt: Okay guys let's take a break... *grabs a guitar and raise it* Who knows how to play a guitar?
Nobody move or make a sound...Awkward..
Matt: So I'll pick...*scans the room and points at tati*
My eyes widened as matt pick me....
Tati: Me? *points at myself*
Matt: Yup...*popping the p* YOU...
Tati: *gets up and went to the center* Okay... *gets the guitar from matt's hand*
Matt: Good Luck kid... *hands the guitar*
Tati: *raises an eyebrow* *starts playing*
( And also don't mind the last part of the song she is NOT singing the Radioactive song...I can't help it I love nightcore version if you don't like it just find an original female cover of the song or scroll down )

( After singing the song...They were all clapping and then Matt stood up and then )
Matt: That was great...
Tati: Thank you... *gives the guitar back*
Matt: Okay I have some little announcement to share... *gets the guitar*
I went back to my sitting place and listen to matt's little announcement...After that we all shared goodbyes and thank you's ( you know thanking the choreographers 😉 )
Mal: Girl what just happened in there? You just rap... Your amazing...
Tati: Thanks mal your dancing is wonderful too...
Suddenly the guys walk towards our direction.... And then said...
Sean: Whoa girl or tati your so amazing in there...
Mal: Hey, I just said that a seconds ago...
We all giggled but I stopped and said...
Tati: This is a wonderful day...Gotta go mom might freaked out... Bye... *leaves*

Nobody's pov
Ken: Okay guys let's go...
Sean: Where???
Josh: HOME...dumbass...
Sean: Yeesh, no need to be rude...
So they shared goodbyes and went home...

( Let's go and check tati )

Tati's pov
Ugh finally I have arrived... I entered the gate... Then a shadowy figure walk towards me... And then...

Hey guys this is chapter 6 and I hope you like it and I have an exam tomorrow so wish me luck... I'll do a gati moments...

Tati: Who's gati?
Lily: You don't know... It's you and-
Me: *covers the mouth of lily* Oh, nothing you know lily she's blabbering words...
Tati: Okay...I gotta go boogie is waiting for me... *leaves*
Me: *removes the hand from lily's mouth* How many times do I have to tell you? Don't tell her what is the meaning of gati she better find out herself...
Lily: Okay okay sheesh... No need to be-
Me: Just go out I need peace...
Lily: Fine...*leaves*
Me: Ugh, finally peace...

I hope you like it and also....
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