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        The following days went by slow without Lydia here at school to keep me entertained. People who hadn't noticed me before my relationship with her suddenly acted as if they were my best friends, and had known me my whole life.

I guess that's the thing about Lydia; she's so amazing every one wants to be apart of her life. I guess I was a one way ticket to her for some people. Other people, like De' Andre, just gave me the cold shoulder. I understand that though, she's so beautiful and amazing, and somehow I was able to get her to be mine.

Call me lucky, cause she's a ten. And if I'm being honest I range from a five to a six. But to me none of that mattered, cause today she was coming back to school and I'd be able to show off to everyone who attended this hell hole that I'm dating Lydia. I get to show everyone that this beautiful girl was into me just as much as I was into her.

So as I leaned against the boring, beige walls of this dreadful building most people call a school, I waited patiently for her to walk through the large blue doors.

        I wasn't waiting too long, because within the next few minutes she was walking through the doors. A small smile formed on my face as she walked down the hallway, running her hand through her hair. I felt my heart beat pick up and my hands begin to sweat. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket, unlocking it and going on some random app to make it look like I was doing something.

        I could still see her out of the corner of my eye, and I felt my nerves pick up when she got closer to me. My heart was beating faster and faster and I was scared that if she got any closer she'd be able to hear it. She gave me this feeling that I've never felt before. My stomach twisted into knots and I felt as if I'd get sick, but at the same time I felt like I was on top of the world. It felt like someone took a hammer to my chest... But for some odd reason I never wanted the feeling to go, away and I wasn't sure why.

"Hey." I heard her say from in front of me. I jumped slightly, standing up straighter and sending her a smile. Her cheeks were slightly red, and her hands gripped onto the straps of her backpack.

"Hi." I breathed out shyly, looking at her with nothing but pure adoration. She let out a quite giggle, causing my cheeks to flush red. Her hands pulled away from the straps of her bag, and she extended her arms to hug me. I quickly accepted her invite, and wrapped my arms around her too. The warmth from her body radiated off onto me, causing me to bury my face in the corner of her neck.

She giggled again, and the sound was like music to my ears. I lifted my head up to look at her, letting my arms fall as I leaned back against the wall, propping one foot up behind me. "Have you seen Nikki yet?" She asked while grabbing both of my hands, and I tightened my grip slightly around hers as I shook my head.

"Nope." I said, looking at our hands with a slight smile. "But I know she's back. She got suspended for as long as you did." I said, knowingly, and looked back up at her. She nodded her head, and looked over her shoulder to see if she could find her green eyed friend. Once she didn't, a small sigh escaped her lips, and I nudged her side with our intwined hands to grab her attention.

        "Hey cheer up." I said, jutting out my bottom lip to act like I was pouting. I swung our hands back and fourth randomly, causing her to break out into a smile.

She tore away from my grip on her hands, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders as we began our walk down the hallway. Just like the other days without Lydia being here, people that I didn't even know we're waving and smiling at me. It wasn't like before with my supporters, now it was most everyone in school. I made sure to return as many waves as I could, but Lydia and I eventually made it to our lockers, and Nikki was already waiting there.

Lydia let out a quite scream when she saw her best friend waiting for her, causing Nikki to look up and open her arms wide. It only took a few seconds for Lydia to full on sprint towards Nikki, the impact caused both of them to fall into a few lockers, and crash into the poor sixth grader who was peacefully getting her stuff. I chuckled as I twisted the knob on my lock, my locker door immediately swinging open as Lydia and Nikki continued to catch up on what they missed over the weekend. "You guys are crazy." I finally spoke up, causing both girls to look over at me. "Can't take you anywhere." I finished, a little bit of sarcasm added to my tone as I hung my bag on one of the hooks screwed into my locker.

They both laughed, shoving my shoulder lightly. I smiled at the both of them as I lost my balance momentarily, but I quickly regained it.

Once I had all my things gathered for my first class of the day, I waited for Lydia to finish talking with Nikki so I could walk her to class. After another minute or two, both girls said their goodbyes, and Nikki left to go to her locker. "Ready?" She asked me with a smile, and I nodded my head.

"I was actually waiting for you... But yeah I'm ready." I said and grabbed her hand. She shook her head at me, a few laughs escaping her lips as we walked down the hallway.

The walk to her class was short, and before I knew it we were standing in front of her class room. "Ok... I'll see you in study hall." She said with a smile, and pulled me in for a hug. I took the chance to place a light kiss on her cheek, smiling to myself once I pulled away. She looked up at me with a red face and a bright smile, sending me a wave, and walking into her classroom.


Lydia never showed up for study hall. Bryan was back though, and he said he remembered her saying something about our art teacher wanting to talk to her.

That did make sense considering Lydia was crazy good at drawing, and I probably would've believed him if I didn't know what his tell was. Bryan was such an obvious liar, he always stuttered when he lied, and by how bad he was doing it now, he could've played the little boy in Billie Madison. No joke.

Lydia also had a tell, but since she was so emotionless, hers was harder to see. When she lied, her eyebrow would twitch. It was just barley noticeable, but something I could still see.

Coincidentally though; she was in art. Her eyes never left her sketch. She was completely concentrated, and I was pretty sure nothing could break her train of thought.

Meanwhile I still had no idea what I was supposed to do for my project. When I looked down at the paper, my mind went completely blank, or my thoughts would crash together, creating one huge mess that I couldn't sort though.

The only time I looked up from my project, was when I felt someone's stare on the side of my face. I looked up to see De' Andre staring me down, his jaw was clenched as he leaned back in his seat. The eye contact was awkward, and it honestly scared me. He towered over me by a hoot two feet, and he could easily knock me out with one punch. I sent him a head nod to ease the tension, and quickly lowered my gaze back onto my blank piece of paper.

By the end of class I still had no idea what I was going to draw, and the bell ringing put a stop to any thought process I had going.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Lydia came up to me, her hand resting on my shoulder as she stopped me from getting up out of my seat. I gulped down the lump in my throat, and nodded slowly as I waited for her to ask me whatever it is she needed to.

She fiddled with the pen in her hands, her fingers shaking slightly, and to calm her nerves, I placed my hand over hers. She looked up at me, and sent me an uneasy smile. "I was just wondering if..." Her worlds faded off as she looked anywhere but me, and I snapped my fingers in front of her face to get her attention back.

"Sorry." She mumbled. "But... What I was saying was, would you wanna go to the dance with me?"



I was on spring break and lost track of time, and to make matters worse; I broke my foot😂

So my crush asked me out over break and I'm so fucking happy about that🙈 but enough about me.

What did you guys do over break??

-Kendra T.

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