It's all about sex... [Student/Teacher] - Chapter Fifteen.

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Jai’s POV:

I didn’t speak to Claire for almost the whole day. I didn’t decide too. She did. At this moment I didn’t really care. I had no idea anymore of what on in Claire’s head.

We had been on countless rides. And now we were walking towards the field so we could have a picnic.

“Mr Robins?” Hayden asked in a small voice


“Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course you can.”

“Does Rosa talk about me and Ol? When she’s back in London? Does she miss me?” I opened my mouth to answer when someone else replied.

“Of course I do sweetie. I miss you every day. And I talk about you to Mr Robins all the time!” Turning I saw Rosa and Blake stood there. She had changed into a light blue dress than ended about mid-thigh and her hair was down and straight. Her eyes were lined in eyeliner, and her lips had a faint red colour on them. Hayden squealed and leapt up into her sisters arms. Hugging Rosa, Hayden wrapped her legs round her big sister’s waist.

“Is that true Rosa? Do you talk about me when you back to school?”

“Of course I do! You are my little sister remember?”


“I promise.” Rosa then kissed Hayden’s forehead and set on her feet. We had been walking all this time. We were almost at the field. Hayden now held on to Rosa’s left hand and I couldn’t help but notice that her right hand was intertwined in Blake’s. My stomach clenched. Claire had walked ahead with Jenni. She had noticed Rosa’s and Blake’s arrival but she chose not to do or say anything. Damon and Oliver were running ahead of us trying to find a spot so they could gladiators or something.

We reached the field and spread the blankets out, Rosa and Blake hadn’t brought anything. Claire settled down the picnic basket down and proceeded to dish the food out. She didn’t offer any to Rosa. In the end I had to ask if she wanted some.

“No thank you Jai. I rather not.”

Damon and Oliver ran towards us at that moment throwing clumps of grass at each other. It was one of those rare days where it was sunny and warm in Manchester. It was usually dull and dismal. Families were everywhere, they were having picnics too. And some of the kids were playing in the man-made stream. Which we were about ten yards from.

Twenty minutes later the kids were fed and wanted to go play in the water. Damon had realised Rosa was here and hadn’t left her alone for the last fifteen minutes. Hayden and Damon were now tugging on Rosa’s hands to get her to play with them.

“Fine! But I do want to relax on the blanket before we have to go. Got it?”

“Yes!” Slipping her shoes off she followed them to the water. To say it was awkward wasn’t the word for it. Claire wasn’t speaking to me. And I didn’t like Blake. I lay back on the grass and closed my eyes. I don’t know how long I lay there for, but I heard Blake get up mumbling that he needed the bathroom. I could feel the tension rolling of Claire. Next I heard Damon shouting for me.

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