It's all about sex... [Student/Teacher] - Epilogue

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So here it is. I can't believe I've finished it!!

It doesn't seem like a year ago i was just started writing this!

As it stand the word count is: 100,558!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me throughtout this whole proccess. And I want to thank the unsupportive ones too. You made me want to keep writing it just to prove myself. 

I could sit here and type out everyone's name who's ever commented on my story or voted for it. Or whatever.

But the thing is. I think i'll be here for a very long time.

Thank you everyone for reading.

I hope you'll read my next story whenever it comes out. Or when I actually decide on what I want to write.

So.... yeah.... :)


Peace out.



Rosa’s POV:


The sun was beating down on us. I could feel a bead of swear run down my neck. The sand that covered the rocks was burning my feet. And I was wearing a pair of slip flops. I rubbed my eyes tiredly. Eight hours on a plane really tires you out.

“You okay?” Jai asked winding his arm round my shoulder.



“No… I just can’t believe were here…”

“I know… Who would’ve thought it? We get to have a family vacation because you have a job.” I grinned at him.

“I know…” Jai squeezed me closer and kissed me.

“DAD! Don’t do that in public!” Damon’s voice came to our ears. I laughed at that. Jai and I have been together now for three years. A year and a half ago Jai had gotten full custody. It had been hard and really long. It didn’t seem to be getting any easier until one day Claire had a mental breakdown. Something had just snapped. It turned out that she had bi-polar. Claire had decided that it was best for Jai to have full custody. Even if she loathed me. Jenni and Damon saw her once a month and either Jai or I had to be in the same building.

“Well don’t look then!” I just laughed under my breath. Damon and Jenni simply called me Rosa. I didn’t want a title with them. As far as they were concerned I was simply their dad’s friend…that lived in their house…that slept in his bed with him…and have sex on a very regular basis.

Damon had accepted this easily. In fact when we told them we were together Damon had become really excited. He was excited at the time because it meant he could spend more time with Oliver. Jenni on the other hand was hard to bring round to the idea. She couldn’t understand how Jai loved me instead of her mother. But it with a lot of patience from us both, she had started to accept me. We were still a little awkward with each other at times but she had accepted me.

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