It's all about sex... [Student/Teacher] - Chapter Twenty Five

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Because she has been so lovely to me!
She has been my rock for the last few weeks and I feel a little like a daughter to her! :) (Sorry but it's true! Hope I don't scare you off! I just really like you as a person! :) )

Anyway, I had my writing thing going on and it's made me write most of this in one evening! I tried really hard on this chapter.




Sirens blared. The blue and white lights flashed. Everything was just white noise; I could hear people crying and some talking to others.

“Sir, please let us check him over” a male voice said. Looking up through blurry eyes all I saw was the green uniform of the paramedic. Nodding I slipped Damon’s off my knee. I was just about to place his head on the floor when someone stopped me. Whoever this was put a towel or something under his head.

“Thank you.” I managed to get out. Leaning down to Damon’s ear I said “it’s okay buddy. These nice men are going to look after you. I’ll be here with mom and Jenni.” He didn’t respond. How could he? The impact of the car had knocked him unconscious. The cut on his head hadn’t stopped bleeding. My already dark jeans were stained with his blood. I felt numb. My thoughts revolved my son.

“Jai…” a voice gasped. I felt Claire’s hand slip into mine. And Jenni slipped hers into my other hand. We stood there together watching the men working over the small boy in the middle of the fray.

“Are you his family?” A paramedic rushed over and asked.


“I have a few questions. Is he allergic to any medication?” I shook my head. “Does he have any prior illnesses?” Again I shook my head. “Okay, we’re going to take him to hospital in a few moments. Unfortunately there isn’t enough room in the ambulance. Are you able to follow us?” Claire must’ve replied because he turned away.

“What’s wrong with him?” My voice sounded croaky.

“We suspect he’s got internal bleeding and a concussion. We want to take him to the doctor so they can check him over properly.” He hurried over towards the ambulance and got in. We all stood there and watched as the lights started flashing. The siren pierced through the air. We all still stood there. A small wall of the people who loved Damon.

“Daddy is Damon going to be okay?”

“I don’t know Jenni. I just don’t know.”


I shifted my weight. The plastic chair squeaked in protest. Leaning my elbows on my knees. Looking around the waiting room I spied Jenni. She had fallen asleep a few hours ago; she was leaning on Claire’s knee and had Claire’s coat over her as a blanket. I had left my coat back at the park. I was going to bring it but when I picked it up all I could think of it being over Damon’s lifeless body. Oh well at least some homeless person will have another coat. Claire was falling asleep slowly. Her eyes were red and puffy. Lines stained her cheeks. We were all exhausted. Damon had been rushed into surgery to stop the bleeding. He had been in surgery for over two hours. We hadn’t been told anything since we arrived. I had rung my mother and father to tell them what happened and they were on their way. Standing up I paced around the small square road. I wanted to scream. I wanted to shout. I wanted to run into that surgery and demand to know what was happening. Frustration ran through my body. Going towards the reception I asked the person behind the desk if they knew anything.

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