It's all about sex... [Student/Teacher] - Chapter Forty One:

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Because she made the super awesome cover for me --->

So the story is coming to a close! *sobs* I've been writing this story for almost a year. I think they could be 2-4 more chapters after this one. You actually wouldn't believe where I had the inspiration for this story. Early last year I worked in a nightclub and I use to watch people hook up with others. It a really wired way it kind of fasinated me. Seeing as I've been with my boyfriend for a few years and he's the only person i've ever took home after being out.

Well except for a super drunk friend and she lives literly round the corner from me!

Anyway. Enough of me yaking on with myself.




Rosa’s POV:


It must’ve been around mid-morning when I woke up. And it wasn’t by choice. There were three things that woke me up. One was that the light was streaming in from the window, second was the traffic noise was really loud. And the third was Jai’s side of the bed was cold. Frowning at it, I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair, detangling some of the knots that had formed. Stretching several bones cracked and popped. Last night was the best I had slept since… the accident. Even though I was still talking about it now I still could wrap my head around the fact that I actually hadn’t killed my baby. Swinging my legs of the bed I saw my bag was next to the bed. Fishing my phone out of my bag I saw I had several missed calls and messages of Nathan. Instead of answering them I just scrolled down to his number and hit the call button.


“Hey Nathan. It’s Rosa.”

“Finally!!! Are you okay?” His voice was laced with worry. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“I’m fine Nathan. Too be honest, I haven’t felt this good for a while.”

“I’m glad. I was just worried after what happened last night.” I scratched the back of my neck and grimaced at nothing.

“Yeah… I’m sorry by the way. I hope Lisa doesn’t hate me…”

“Are you kidding!? Lisa was having that much with her family last night she didn’t even see the scuffle between the two! When I told her she laughed. She’s more upset that she missed it! So you don’t have to worry about that!” I breathed a sigh of relief. Nathan was a really nice guy and a good friend. Lisa was perfect for him. And I actually liked her.


“Yeah…” he paused for a second. “So tell me EVERYTHING what happened after you left!” He said in a faux overly-gay voice.

“Well we talked about y’know. The baby… He basically told me everything you and everyone have been telling me.” I felt the frown pull at my forehead. I was still trying to wrap my head around it. “I cried… a lot. He told me he loved me. But we’re holding off that talk for now.” Nathan let out a sigh. I couldn’t tell if he was happy or disappointed. Nathan didn’t exactly approve with being in a relationship with a teacher. But he also understood that you couldn’t always help who you fall in love with. “But…” I paused.

“What’s the matter?”

“What happens if he doesn’t want me anymore?” I asked in a hushed whisper.

“Rosa. Don’t be stupid. This guy came all the way to the club last night, got you off some guy that is a total douche. Got into a fight with said guy. And I know for a fact that he’s tried to talk to you many times when we were leaving class.” 

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